Chapter 13: Lumbar Pelvic Hip Complex Flashcards
What are the key Muscles Associated with the LPHC:
Abdominal core complex Adductor complex Erector spinae Gastrocnemius/soleus Gluteus maximus and medius Hamstrings complex Hip flexors (psoas, rectus femoris) Intrinsic core stabilizers Latissimus dorsi Tensor fascia latae (TFL)/IT-band
What are the major joints of the LPHC?
What classification of joint is the iliofemoral joint?
Ball and Socket
What is associated with overactive/shortened hip extensors and underactivity of the hip flexors, spinal extensors, and latissimus dorsi?
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
In the event of a low-back arch compensation, which of the following is most appropriate to lengthen?
Latissimus Dorsi
In the event of an asymmetric weight shift compensation, which of the following is most appropriate exercise for integration?
Step-up to overhead cable press
What are the common issues around LPHC?
- Low Back Pain
- Intervertebral Disc Injury
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
- Muscle Strains
What percentage of the U.S. population reports reduced activity due to chronic back conditions?
Grade 1 (Mild Strain)- Grade 2 ( Moderate Strain)- Grade 3 (Severe Strain)-
Grade I- Few muscle fibers damaged
Mild weakness or normal strength
Grade II- Greater number of muscle fibers involved
Noticeable weakness
Grade III- Complete tear of muscle fibers
Pop or ripping sensation and severe pain, swelling, and discoloration
Loss of muscle function
Foam rolling the posterior adductor magnus and hamstring complex helps to reduce tension in the tissues allowing for appropriate levels of which joint action to be achieved?
Hip Flexion
Limited dynamic postural control, core muscle strength, and core muscle endurance are all significant risk factors for the development of which type of injury in the lower extremity?
Decreased abdominal core neuromuscular control may contribute to which of the following positions of the lower extremity, which can lead to increased risk of knee injuries?
Knee Valgus
The heels elevated modification of the overhead squat assessment places the ankle in a plantarflexed position. How may this effect the squat?
Reduces the influence of the foot and ankle complex on the squat movement
Which of the following is another name for the ankle joint complex?
Talocrural joint
Subjects with which of the following issues have been reported to demonstrate impaired postural control, delayed muscle relaxation, abnormal muscle recruitment patterns, and notably diminished transverse abdominis and multifidus activation?
Low Back Pain
Scott demonstrates an excessive posterior pelvic tilt during the overhead squat assessment. Which of the following would be the most appropriate muscle to activate?
Erector Spinae
What is the name of the structure in the ilium where the femoral head connects that helps deepen the socket?
At which joint might an increase in ROM serve as a preventative strategy by allowing the trunk to be more upright and minimizing shearing forces in the trunk?
Which internal tissue or structure can get irritated and lead to pain when herniated discs press against it?