Chapter 13: Fitness Training Methods Flashcards
Continuous Training
involves performing an activity nonstop, such as running or swimming, at the same intensity(aerobic zone) for at least 20 mins
- Forms the foundation for more demanding aerobic training methods such as fartlek or long interval training
Ways to Progress Continuous Training
- Increase running time
- Reduce time to run a particular distance
Fartlek Training:
training that combines continuous activity with random bursts of speed, increasing the contribution of the anaerobic energy system
- Primary focus is to develop aerobic power however bursts of speed develop speed and anaerobic capacity
FC it develops:
- Aerobic Power
- anaerobic capacity
- Speed
- Body Composition
Ways to Progress Fartlek Training:
- Increasing overall training time
- Increase the length of time of each burst of speed
Interval Training:
training alternating periods of higher intensity work periods with rest or reduced intensity activity to develop and target any of the three energy systems
- Can be made specific to sports due to the manipulation of work to rest ratios
- ATP-PC = Short Interval Training = 1:5+, speed, anaerobic capacity
- Anaerobic Glycolysis = Intermediate Interval Training = 1:3, anaerobic capacity, speed
- Aerobic = Long Interval Training = 2:1-1:2 - Aerobic power
Ways to Progress Interval Training:
- Increase the number of repetitions
- Increase the number of sets
- Increase duration of work
- Decrease duration of rest
a form of training generally including short bursts of high intensity exercise interspersed with periods of rest or low intensity exercise
- Associated with activities such as stationary cycling or running, Resistance training is HIFT - The goal is to achieve >80% HRM for repetitive efforts
FC It Develops:
- Aerobic Power
- Anaerobic Capcaity
- Speed
Resistance/Weights Training:
training performed, using weights, where muscles are trained to contract against a resistance with the aim of increasing muscle strength, size, power and endurance
- Movements in resistance training can be specifically designed to mimic most sporting actions
FC it develops: - Anaerobic Capacity - Muscular Strength - Muscular Power - Muscular Endurance - Speed - Agility -
Ways to Progress Resistance/Weight Training:
- Increase the load
- Increase the number of sets
- Increase the number of reps
- decrease rest time between sets
Plyometric Training
training that harnesses the stretch-shortening cycle in which a muscle is loaded(eccentrically) and then contracted in rapid sequence(concentrically)
FC it develops:
- Muscular power
- agility
- speed
- Anaerobic Capacity
Safety Precautions:
- Min 48 hrs recovery between plyometric sessions(max 2x a week) - Appropriate levels of strength and flexibility required - Gradual Progression through skills - Correct technique is used
Ways to Progress Plyometric Training:
- Increase the number of sets
- Increase number of reps
- Increase height on jumps
- Increase weight in eccentric loading
Circuit Training
the sequential performance of exercises at different stations where the goal is to improve multiple fitness components at the same time
- can develops all fitness componetns
Types of Circuit Training:
Fixed Time:
- Performers complete as many reps as possible at each station in an allocated time(30-60 seconds) with short rest periods between each station(10-20 seconds)
Fixed Load:
- Every performer completes a pre-determined number of reps at each station and complete the circuit as many times as possible in the allocated time(10-20 mins)
Individual Load:
- Performers in the first round complete a minute max test on each exercise to establish training loads(halve results) - Performers then complete the rest of the circuit at their specific training load.
Ways to Progress Circuit Training:
- Increase weight
- Increase reps at each station
- Increase time of work periods at each station
- Decrease rest periods between stations
- Increase circuit sets
Static Stretching:
when a performer stretches a muscle to a fixed position and holds for at least 10 seconds
- Best as part of a cooldown
Dynamic Stretching:
when a performer stretches a muscle by moving the joint through its full range of motion with controlled momentum
- Best as part of a warm up
Ballistic Stretching:
when a performer moves a joint through its full range of motion with greater force and less controlled momentum
- Holds an increased risk to those unaccustomed to this type of stretching - Best as part of a warm up
PNF Stretching:
stretching involving isometrically contracting the muscle before relaxing the muscle and stretching slightly further before repeating another isometric contraction
Steps of a PNF Stretch:
1. Move through a full range of motion until discomfort is felt 2. Perform an isometric contraction against your partner(6 secs) 3. Relax, stretch a little bit further 4. Repeat