Chapter 13 Definitions Flashcards
facet joints
an articulation of the facets between each contiguous part of vertebrae in the spinal column
coupled motion
the concurrent and necessary association of a motion around one axis with a different motion around another axis
cartilaginous joint
a relatively immobile joint in which two bones are fused by cartilage
after childbirth
two nerves combining together to form a single nerve
one nerve splitting to form two individual nerves
a loss of bowel or bladder control
increased cell growth of neural tissues; normally a benign condition; pain possible secodnary to pressure on the local nerves
spina bifida occulta
incomplete closure of the spinal vertebrae
the forward slippage of a vertebra on the one below it
McKenzie exercises
a protocol of exercises involving spinal flexion and extension used during the treatment and rehabilitation of back injuries, for improving range of motion and strengthening the spine
Hook-lying position
lying supine with the hips and knees flexed and the feet flat on the table
within the spinal canal
pretaining to a necrotic fragment of tissue that has become separated from the surrounding tissue
the surgical resection of a vertebral facet
scheuermann’s disease
a disease process involving the disks of the thoracic spine
schmorl’s nodes
herniation fo the nucleus pulposus through the vertebral endplate