Chapter 13: Cranial Nerves Flashcards
How many cranial nerves are there?
What are the three general functions of cranial nerves?
sensory, motor, or mixed
I. Olfactory nerve
looks like a match stick - sense of smell
II. Optic nerve
has an x shape to it - sense of vision
III. Oculomotor nerve
located in the midline at the superior portion of the pons - movement to the eye and the parasympathetic dilation of the pupil
IV. trochlear nerve
superior and lateral in position to the pons - just one muscle to the eye
V. trigeminal nerve (four functions)
mixed nerve
1. sensation to the face
2. motor function is chewing/mastication
VI. abducens nerve
controls one muscle to the eye
VII. facial nerve
adjacent to VIII - a mixed nerve that controls sense of taste (2/3rds) and controls facial expression and controls parasympathetic nervous system of many glands
VIII. vestibulocochlear nerve
adjacent to VII - senses of hearing and balance
IX. glossopharyngeal nerve
a mixed nerve that senses 1/3 sense of taste, sensation to the throat, controls swallowing
X. Vagus nerve
a mixed nerve - controls most of the thoracic organs, controls some of language, pretty much a lot
XI. Accessory Nerve
looks like a ladder - a motor nerve that moves the head and neck.
XII. hypoglossal nerve
motor to intrinsic and extrinsic mucles of the tongue, and supports swallowing