CHAPTER 13 - Book Review Questions Flashcards


The following statements concern the hypothalamus:

(a) When seen from the inferior aspect, the hypothalamus is related to the following structures, from anterior to posterior: (i) the olfactory
stria, (ii) the anterior perforated substance, and
(iii) the mammillary bodies.
(b) The margins of the different nuclei can be clearly seen with the naked eye.
(c) The mammillary body does not overlap the medial and lateral groups of hypothalamic nuclei.
(d) The preoptic area of the hypothalamus is located between the septum pellucidum and the optic chiasma
(e) The blood-brain barrier is absent in the median eminence of the hypothalamus, thus permitting the neurons to sample the chemical content of the plasma directly.


E is correct.

  • The blood-brain barrier is absent in the median eminence of the hypothalamus, thus permitting the neurons to sample the chemical content of the plasma directly. A. When seen from the inferior aspect, the hypothalamus is related to the following structures: (i) the optic chiasma, (ii) the tuber cinereum, and (iii) the mammillary bodies (see Fig. 13-2). 8. The margins of the different hypothalamic nuclei are ill-defined and cannot be seen with the naked eye. C. The mammillary body overlaps both the medial and lateral groups
    of hypothalamic nuclei. D. The preoptic area of the hypothalamus is located between the lamina terminalis and the optic chiasma.
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The following statements concern the afferent fibers passing to the hypothalamus:

(a) Fibers pass from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies, bringing information from the
auditory system.
(b) Olfactory impulses reach the hypothalamus
through the lateral forebrain bundle.
(c) The hypothalamus receives many afferent fibers from the viscera via the reticular formation.
(d) The dorsomedial nucleus receives axons from
the posterior lobe of the pituitary.
(e) The pineal gland sends fibers via the habenular commissure to the hypothalamus.


C is correct.

  • The hypothalamus receives many afferent fibers from the viscera via the reticular formation. A. Fibers pass from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies, bringing information from the limbic system. B. Olfactory impulses reach the hypothalamus through the medial forebrain bundle. D. The dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus does not receive axons from the posterior lobe of the pituitary. E. The pineal gland does not send nerve fibers to the hypothalamus.
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The following statements concern the hypothalamus:

(a) Somatic efferent fibers leave the hypothalamic
nuclei via the medial and spinal lemnisci.
(b) It does not integrate the autonomic and neuroendocrine systems.
(c) The posterior portion of the hypothalamus controls those mechanisms that dissipate heat loss.
(d) The nerve cells of the hypothalamus produce releasing and release-inhibiting hormones that control the production of various hormones in
the anterior lobe of the hypophysis.
(e) The hunger center is probably located in the
posterior hypothalamic nuclei.


D is correct.

  • The nerve cells of the hypothalamus produce releasing and release-inhibiting hormones that control the production of various hormones in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis. A. Somatic afferent fibers enter the hypothalamic nuclei via the medial and spinal lemnisci. B. The hypothalamus does integrate the autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, thus preserving homeostasis. C. The anterior portion of the hypothalamus controls those mechanisms that dissipate heat loss. E. The hunger center is probably located in the lateral region of the hypothalamus.
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The following statements concern the functional
activities of the hypothalamus:

(a) The hypothalamus brings about the physical changes associated with emotion, such as increased heart rate and flushing or pallor of the skin.
(b) The medial hypothalamic nuclei are concerned with fluid intake.
(c) The corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is produced in the anterior nucleus of the hypothalamus.
(d) The suprachiasmatic nucleus plays no part in controlling circadian rhythms.
(e) The hypothalamus controls the lower autonomic centers by means of pathways through the tectospinal tract.


A is correct.

  • The hypothalamus probably brings about the physical changes associated with emotion, such as increased heart rate and flushing or pallor of the skin. B. The lateral hypothalamic nuclei are concerned with fluid intake. C. The CRH is produced in the paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus (see Table 13-3). D. The suprachiasmatic nucleus plays an important role in controlling circadian rhythms. E. The hypothalamus controls the lower autonomic centers by means of pathways through the reticular formation.
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The following statements concern the hypothalamohypophyseal tract:

(a) Oxytocin inhibits the contraction of the smooth
muscle of the uterus.
(b) The nerve cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei produce the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin.
(c) The hormones travel in lymph vessels with protein carriers called neurophysins.
(d) Vasopressin stimulates the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney, causing increased absorption of water from the urine.
(e) The hormones are absorbed into the bloodstream in the capillaries of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis.


B is correct.

  • The nerve cells of the supraoptic
    and paraventricular nuclei produce the hormones vasopressin and oxytocin. A. Oxytocin stimulates the contraction of the smooth muscle of the uterus. C. The hormones travel in the axons of the hypothalamohypophyseal tract with protein carriers called neurophysins. D. Vasopressin stimulates the distal convoluted tubules and collecting
    tubules of the kidney, causing increased absorption of water from the urine. E. The hormones leave the axons of the tract and are absorbed into the bloodstream in the capillaries of the posterior lobe of the hypophysis.
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The following statements concern the hypophyseal portal system:

(a) It carries releasing hormones and release-
inhibiting hormones to the secretory cells of
the anterior lobe of the hypophysis.
(b) The production of the releasing hormones and the release-inhibiting hormones cannot be influenced by the level of the hormone produced by the target organ controlled by the
(c) The blood vessels commence superiorly in
the median eminence and end inferiorly in the vascular sinusoids of the posterior lobe of the hypophysis cerebri.
(d) Efferent nerve fibers leaving the hypothalamus influence the production of the releasing hormones by nerve cells.
(e) The neuroglial cells of the hypothalamus are responsible for the production of the release-inhibiting hormones.


A is correct.

  • The hypophyseal portal system carries releasing hormones and release-inhibiting hormones to the secretory cells of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis. B. The production of the releasing hormones and the release-inhibiting hormones can be influenced by the level of the hormone produced by the target organ controlled by the hypophysis. C. The blood vessels of the hypophyseal portal system commence superiorly in the median eminence and end inferiorly in the vascular sinusoids of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis cerebri. D. Afferent nerve fibers entering the hypothalamus influence the production of the releasing hormones by the nerve cells. E. The neuroglial cells of the hypothalamus are not responsible for the production of the release-inhibiting hormones.
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The following statements concern the hypothalamus:

(a) It lies below the thalamus in the tectum of the
(b) It is not related to the limbic system.
(c) The nuclei of the hypothalamus are divided by
an imaginary plane formed by the columns of the fornix and the mammillothalamic tract into medial and lateral groups.
(d) The suprachiasmatic nucleus does not receive nerve fibers from the retina.
(e) The lateral boundary of the hypothalamus is formed by the external capsule.


C is correct.

  • The nuclei of the hypothalamus are divided by an imaginary plane formed by the columns of the fornix and the mammillothalamic tract into medial and lateral groups (see Fig. 13-3). A. The hypothalamus lies below the thalamus and not in the tectum of the midbrain (see Fig. 13-1). B. The hypothalamus lies in the center of the limbic system. D. The suprachiasmatic nucleus does receive nerve fibers from the retina. E. The lateral boundary of the hypothalamus is formed by the internal capsule.
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