Chapter 13 Flashcards
Include visual arts, literature (written and oral), music, and performance arts
An object, event, or other expressive form that evokes an aesthetic reaction
An appreciation of the qualities perceived in art
Art and religion
Maquet –> Artwork is something that stimulates and sustains contemplation
Locating art
Tribal societies typically lack museums, but some maintain special areas where artistic expression takes place
The work of art
For the artist, art is work
Art, society, and culture
Around 100,000 years ago, some of world’s first artists occupied Blombos Cave
Comparative study of music of the world and as an aspect of culture and society
Of the people; eg., the art, music, and lore of ordinary people
Representations of art and culture
Art can stand for tradition, even when traditional art is removed from its original context
Art and communication
Art functions in society as form of communication between artist and community or audience
Art an politics
Art can express or challenge community sentiment and standards
The cultural transmission of the arts
As part of culture, appreciation for arts depends on cultural background
The artistic career
In nonindustrial societies, artists tend to be part-time specialists
Intense emotional release
Continuity and change
The arts go on changing, although certain art forms have survived for thousands of years
Media and culture
Mass culture features cultural forms that appear and spread rapidly because of major changes in material conditions
A cultural product that is processed and assigned meaning by anyone exposed to it
Assessing the effects of television
Kottak –> family planning is one area TV has influenced behavior
Sports and cultures
Football –> is popular because it symbolizes certain key aspects of U.S. life