Chapter 13 Flashcards
outer layer of spinal cord
dura mater
middle meningeal layer
arachnoid mater
inner meningeal layer
pia mater
the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater are collectively called the
meningeal layers
found in the dorsal root ganglia
cell bodies of sensory neurons
type of fibers found in dorsal root
sensory neurons
types of fibers found in ventral root
motor neurons
bundles that form from the joining of the dorsal root and the ventral root
spinal nerves
two types of fibers found in spinal nerves
sensory and motor
surrounds outer spinal nerves
surrounds fascicles
surrounds individual axons
where is cerebral spinal fluid found
subarachnoid space
withdraws CSF
lumbar puncture/spinal tap
viral or bacterial infection of meninges
bilateral region of the skin, monitored by specific pair of spinal nerves
caused by varicella-zoster virus
complex, interwoven network of nerve fibers that controls skeletal muscles
nerve plexus
four spinal plexus
nerve that innervates the diaphragm and allows you to breathe by stimulating the diaphragm
phrenic nerve
where the phrenic nerve originates in the spinal cord
C3, C4, C5
basic neural reflexes, formed before birth
innate reflexes
triggered by sudden elongation of tendons
stretch reflexes
example of a stretch reflex
develop too much tension and keeps tendons from breaking
tendon reflex
withdrawal reflex (ex: grab hot pan)
flexor reflex
how does a crossed extensor reflex complement a flexor reflex
axons responding to pain cross to other side of spinal cord to control muscles on opposite side
curling of toes on adult foot
plantar reflex
fanning of toes on infants
Babinski reflex
if an adult displays the Babinski reflex, this is suspected
higher center or descending tract is damaged
moves a limb away from a painful stimulus
flexor reflex
prevents a muscle from exerting too much tension
tendon reflex
important in regulating muscle length, activated when a skeletal muscle lengthens
stretch reflex
what is not true about Babinski reflex?
plantar changes to Babinski by age 2
what reflex complements the flexor reflex by activating contralateral muscles
crosses extensor