Chapter 13 Flashcards
Why are youth commonly referred to psychological services when they don’t think there is a problem?
parents and teachers see behaviour as problematic
Why can’t youth refer themselves to psychological services?
they don’t have the resources or the emotional development to be aware of a problem
Why is it important that the parents refer a child to treatment?
if the parent doesn’t think there is a problem, then they are less likely to engage in treatment
What type of alliance is related to improvements in symptoms?
what type of alliance is related to more sessions attended?
What are the two ways a child is determined to be allowed to consent for services?
chronological age or cognition to understand
How many adolescents needs services get them?
1 in 3
What was the issue with early child psychology?
there was no evidence of efficacy
What was the issue with early child psychology treatment?
relying on artificial activities to both train a skill and evaluate treatment outcomes
Who commonly participated in clinical studies that differs from clinical practice?
volunteer groups instead of referred individuals
What is a technique that allows for less weight to be assigned to studies with smaller samples?
weighted least squares method
What is the problem of relying on only published studies for meta-analysis?
introduces bias based on larger effect sizes
Why are unpublished studies still usable for meta-analysis?
still methodologically sound
What is the only routinely offered form of care for youth?
substance abuse care
When an evidence-based treatment yields the same results for majority youth and minority youth
ethnic invariance
When a treatment is not as effective when used on a minority youth
ethnic disparity
what is the most common reason that children are referred to therapy?
disruptive behaviour
A pattern of persistent negative and hostile behaviour present before the age of 8 years old
oppositional defiant disorder
A disorder that involves a pattern of serious violations of the rights of others
conduct disorder
What happens if a child with operational defiant disorder is untreated?
problems continue into adulthood
when a parent unintentionally rewards a child for being aggressive and a child rewards the parent by stoping the bad behaviour
coercive exchanges
What is the goal of parenting programs?
changing the child’s behaviour by modifying the environment by working with parents
Five parenting practices associated with the development of prosocial or deviant behaviour.
skills encouragement, discipline, monitoring, problem-solving and positive involvement
any consequence that increases the likelihood of behaviour being repeated
positive reinforcement
What type of reinforcer is best to enforce desired behaviours?
social reinforcement
When can parents stop using a parenting strategy?
Parent’s awareness and tracking of the child’s activities
parental monitoring
What is parental contempt associated with?
disrupted parental monitoring and delinquency
A therapy that intervenes with a child in multiple contexts
multi systemic therapy
How long does multi systemic therapy take?
in small teams for 6 to 8 months
How much literature is available for youth with depression when compared to adults with depression?
much less
Can we offer antidepressants to youth?
only last and in combination with another treatment
How effective is evidence-based treatment for adolescents?
better then 60% of youth not in treatment or in usual care