Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the main issue with government approach to mental health?
Too little funding for mental health programs
What is the Improved Access to Psychological Therapies program in the UK?
sending two-thirds of people with mental health issues to psychological therapies within a month of referral with half entering treatment showing improvement
What does WHO cite as the biggest issues with mental health?
overlooking or misdiagnosing mental disorder and not getting treatment regardless of social determinate of health
A provincial and federal organization designed using testimonies to address the needs of Canadians with mental disorders
Mental Health Commission of Canada
What did the Senate Commission on Mental health learn about mental health services?
Need for increased government investment and a unified mental health services
What are the six initiatives of MHCC?
Opening minds, Mental Health First Aid, Mental health strategy for Canada, Knowledge exchange centre, housing first, peer project
What are the two messages of the MHCC?
- The right to services and supports
- The right to be treated with the same dignity and respect as those suffering from any other kind of illness
What does poor diet, tobacco smoking, high BMI, high blood pressure, high fasting plasma glucose, and low physical activity have in common?
all lifestyle choices that increase risk of developing a psychological disorder
A branch of psychology that develops strategies and interventions for mental health disorders
clinical psychology
What are the principals of chinical psychology?
using scientific based evidence, develop effective tools, focus on emotional distress and well-being, use reliable and valid methods
What services do clinical psychologist provide?
consultations, research program development, supervision of mental health professional, administration of health care services, diagnosis, treatment programs, interventions and prevention services.
A model that involves using research and collected data when considering health care options
evidence based practice
What are the two prinicpals of evidence based practice?
- use systematically collected data and research
- inform patients on options
Issues with evidence based practice
- group-based data can not be used on an individual
- clients can’t always wait for research to conclude
- individuals are different
- there is not enough research on every disorder
What makes clinical psychology different to other types of psychology?
clinical is about application while others are about general knowledge
what are the historical differences between counselling and clinical?
Counselling focused on life problems and work in community. Clinical focused on psychological problems and work in hospitals and labs.
What is the modern distinction between counselling and clinical?
counselling provides only therapy while clinical designs programs and provides therapy
Why is the distinction between clinical and counselling becoming less noticeable?
require same training and expertise in diagnosis and both use evidence-based services
Psychologists with specialized training in the education system, children, intellectual functioning, and learning.
School psychologists
What is the role of school psychologists
attention to social, emotional, and medical development in school, developing school and family programs, promoting social skills, reducing bullying and conflict, and violence prevention
Medical professionals who specializing in mental health and their physiological and biochemical causes
What is the two main distinctions between psychiatrists and psychologists?
- little training in human psychology research and base research in neuroscience and human sciences
- emphasis on psychopharmacological treatment
Who was the primary developer for cognitive therapy for depression?
psychiatrist Aaron Beck
Workers that focus on the well-being and health of the community by program planning, advocacy, planning, therapy, and consultation
social workers
Professionals who offer services of primary care in mental health, managing administration, providing education, and supervising services
psychiatric nurses
Care workers that provide outpatient services, assessments and treatment to children
child and youth care workers
An approach to understand both physical and psychological disorders in a wholistic way developed by Hippocrates.
biosychosoical approach
A greek philosopher that empathized societal forces and psychological needs
a greek philosopher that emphasized biological determinate of mental health
Who created the dominate approach in Europe and north America that proposed natural forces to be the cause of psychotic behaviour?
St. Vincent de Paul
Primary developer of clinical neurology and the role of psychological factors in hysteria
Jean-Martin Charcot
Who proposed that all mental disorders are biological and did early classification?
Emil Kraepelin
Who developed the first intelligence tests?
Alfred Binet
What was the main different between projective tests and the MMPI
Projective tests relied on clinical judgment while MMPI relied on statistical analysis
Who proposed that a statistical approach is stronger then a clinical approach
Paul Meehl
What are the two generally accepted ways to get data?
- multiple methods
- multiple informants
What are modern best practices in assessment?
based in scientific support, using data for treatment planning and evelautation
the determination of the usefulness of data
clinical utility
examination of if services work
service evaluation
Who is credited with developing the first elaborate approach to treatment?
Sigmund Freud
What was the main contributions of the psychodynamic approach?
childhood development impacts future emotional regulation and risk of developing psychological disorders, and we use defence mechanisms to cope with the trauma.
What made Jung’s model different from Freud’s?
On top of an individual unconsciousness, there is also a collective unconsciousness
Who emphasized the importance of social forces and social pressures as a cause of disorders and also a way to treat them?
Alfred Adler
Who emphasized the role of a conscious effort to combat unconscious forces that cause problems?
Anna Freud
What was unique about Carl Roger’s new approach for veterans?
people are inherently capable of developing in a positive manner and should be provided with a positive environment.
Who came up with person-centred therapy and the humanistic perspective?
Carl Rogers
Who created cognitive behavioural therapy?
Aaron Back and Albert Ellis
A branch of psychology about living to our full potential and not just trying to relieve stress
positive psychology