Chapter 12 - Urinary And Male Reproductive Systems Flashcards
Surgical repair/suture
Surgical fixation or suspension
Renal pelvis
Urinary bladder
No default code for this condition. If stated as a diagnosis coder must query the provider for additional information to determine the correct code.
Inflammation of the kidneys. Usually caused by bacteria or their toxins
Form of nephritis in which lesions primarily involve the glomeruli. May be acute, rapidly progressing, or chronic.
Nephrotic syndrome
Condition marked by increased glomerular permeability to proteins. Usually caused by glomerular injury.
Infection of the kidney that has ascended from the urinary bladder. If infectious agent is known code for this as well. Most commonly E Coli
Accumulation of fluid in the renal pelvis and kidney due to urinary obstruction. May cause infection if not treated. Can be caused by obstruction, neurogenic bladder, and benign prostate hyperplasia.
Neurogenic bladder
Dysfunction of the urinary bladder caused by the nerves supplying the bladder, or lesions of the central nervous system.
Renal failure
Inability of the kidneys to function properly. Many causes. May be partial, temporary, acute, chronic, or complete.
Chronic kidney disease
Kidneys ability to filter waste slowly declines. Has five stages based on glomerular filtration rate. Must be documented by physician and not inferred from lab reports.
End stage renal disease
Chronic renal failure requiring renal replacement therapies. Dialysis or kidney transplantation. Code for dialysis if patient requires.
Renal artery occlusion
Arteries carrying blood to the kidneys are blocked. Can affect one or both renal arteries.
Renal vein thrombosis
A rare condition in which one or both renal veins develop clots
Renal atheroembolism
Fatty materials build up and block the renal arterioles.
Stones. Coded based on location
Impaired renal tubular functions
Variety of conditions that may cause. Code underlying disease first, and if provider documents the specific the condition is causing the impaired renal function use a code from N25
Diabetes insipidus
Causes renal impairment through excessive urination. Due to either inadequate amounts of antidiuretic hormone or failure of the kidney to respond to antidiuretic hormone (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus). Can cause severe dehydration if not diagnosed.
Excessive parathyroid hormone in the body that is responsible for maintaining serum calcium levels. When elevated increased bone reabsorption, decreased new bone formation, and decreased bone mass. (Renal osteodystrophy)
Urge incontinence
Leakage of urine following immediately after an urgent, irrepressible need to void.
Stress incontinence
Leakage of urine due to abrupt increases in intra-abdominal pressure caused by coughing, sneezing, laughing, bending, or lifting.
Overflow incontinence
Dribbling of urine from an overly full bladder
Functional incontinence
Urine loss due to cognitive or physical impairments such as stroke or dementia
Mixed incontinence
Any combination of types of incontinence
Painful burning on urination
Urinary tract infection. Code for organism if known.
Benign prostate hyperplasia. Enlargement of the prostate gland caused by excessive growth of the prostatic nodules. May cause the urethra to become compressed causing symptoms of urinary hesitancy, frequency, dysuria, retention or increased risk of UTI.
Inflammation of the prostate. Easily treatable. Can have elevated PSA (prostate specific antigen) which is a possible indicator of prostate cancer.
Prostate specific antigen
If elevated in labs may be an indicator of prostate cancer. If I cancer diagnosis code as an abnormal finding (R97.20)
Prostate dysplasia
Abnormal shape and size of prostate. If type III code from carcinoma in situ of prostate. Type I or II are normal dysplasia
Hydrocele and spermatocele
Accumulation of serous fluid in a sac like cavity, especially the spermatic cord, testis, or tunica vaginalis. Code for infecting organism if known.
Orchitis and epididymitis
Inflammation of the testes or epididymis. If caused by another disease code the underlying disease first.
Stricture, stenosis, or narrowing of the preputial orifice affecting the foreskin from being pushed back from the glans penis.
Hypospadias or epispadias
Abnormal urethral meatus. Hypo (below) epi (above) the penis. Several levels of severity and usually requires surgery in childhood
Radical nephrectomy
Removal of the kidney, upper ureter, neural, and vascular structures at the apex of the renal pelvis, surrounding fat, adrenal gland, and involved renal lymph nodes
Renal reconstruction
Embryonic tube connecting the urinary bladder to the umbilicus during development of the fetus. Usually closes on own. If not can cause complications later in life. Cysts or sinus. Cysts in children. Sinus in adults. These are excised.
Measures how fluid the bladder can hold, pressure build up in the bladder, how full before the urge to urinate, and whether the bladder completely empties. (CMG) Verify if other studies are add on codes to the procedure
Raz procedure
Corrects urethral and bladder neck hyper mobility when there is minimal or no herniation of the bladder into the vagina. U shaped incision is made into the vaginal wall and bands of fibrous tissue around the bladder neck and urethra are released.
Trans-urethral resection of bladder tumor with fulguration or resection. Based on size of tumor removed. Only largest size reported if multiple are removed.
Trans-urethral resection of prostate. Verify if this is new or repeat procedure
Visual laser ablation of prostate. Lasers used to destroy prostate tissue under anesthesia.
Interstitial laser coagulation. Prostate is targeted and laser energy is applied to morcelize solid tissue.
Holmium laser resection of prostate.
Foreskin of the penis is trapped in a retracted position which can lead to vascular compromise and necrosis. A dorsal slit is performed to relieve the condition. Coded based on if patient is newborn or now
Lichen planus
Condition causing lesions on the penis.
Peyronie’s disease
Penile plaque. Can cause pain, abnormal curvature, erectile dysfunction, indentation, loss of girth, and shortening. Often resolved on its own, but sometimes surgical intervention is needed.