chapter 12: the ear Flashcards
ear is involved in ___ and ___
hearing and balance ( equilibrium)
both mechanoreceptors
2 parts of outer ear & descriptions
- Pinna: outer flap: acts as a sound funnel, directing it to the auditory canal
- Auditory canal: canal carrying sound waves to eardrum
- has specialized sweat glands that produce ear wax to trap invading particles
4 parts of middle ear
- tympatic membrane ( ear drum)
- ossicles
- oval window
4, eustachian tube
tympatic membrane
ear drum (in middle ear)
(middle ear) aplifies/ passes sound waves from ear drum to oval window by 3 small bones: 1. malleus (hammer) 2. incus (anvil) 3. stapes (stirrup)
oval window is..
smaller than eardrum & amplifies sound
eustachian tube
air filled tube that equalizes pressure between internal and external ear. also drains excessive fluid to nasal cavity
(inner ear)
connected to middle ear by oval window, houses 2 small sacs (utricle and saccule) which are involved in head balance ( static equilibrium)
semicircular canals
(inner ear)
- 3 fluid filled canals help body balance (dynamic equilibrium)
(inner ear)
- coiled snail shell, lined with hair cells that respond to different sound waves & frequencies convert them to nerve impule
auditory nerve
inner ear
- transmits signal to CNS
organ of corti
primary sound receptor in cochlea. composed of 1 inner row and 3 outer rows of hair cells
- basilar membrane
- tectorial membrane
- stereocilia
basilar membrane
in organ or corti
- anchors receptor hair cells to the organ or corti. fluid vibrations move the basilar membrane and hair cells bend, which stimulates the sensory nerves that send the auditory signal to the brain (temporal lobe)
tectorial membrane
non- mobile top layer (of organ of corti)
differ in width and lengths for pitch and volume reception
in organ of corti
conductive hearing loss caused by…
was build up, middle ear infection, or punctured ear drum
sensorineural hearing loss
auditory nerve severed, or cochlear hair cells damaged
balance (rotational equilibrium) maintained by…
the 3 fluid filled semicircular canals
- in each canal, a pocket (ampulla) contains cilia that moves with the gel-like cupula (pulled by forces)
- movement causes the fluid to bend the cilia, initiating a nerve impulse which is carried to the CNS
body movement = ____ equilibrium
head position = ____ equilibrium
gravitational equilibrium maintained by..
2 fluid sacs in vestibule (saccule and utricle)
- in each sac: hair like receptors suspended in a jelly-like material that contains tiny stones called otoliths \
what happens when the head bends?
gravity pulls otoliths and gelanous material causing hairs to bend, which stimulate sensory receptors to send messages to the brain
calcium carbonate granules (tiny stones)
- inside of the saccule and utricle ( 2 fluid filled sacs in vestibule)
contains the organ or corti
- converts sound waves to electrochemical impulse
auditory nerve transmits info (balance and sound) to where in the brain?
balance: cerebellum & parietal lobe
sound: temporal lobe