Chapter 12: Social Divisions: Political & Religious Radicalism, The Levellers And Millenarians Flashcards
What catalysed development of religious radicalism?
- civil wars
- breakdown of royal authority
Name key feature of Diggers
- v religious
- communes were the solution to social inequalities
Were the Diggers influential?
- less influential than Levellers
- introduced central ideas of future radicalism
How were Diggers oppressed?
- (1649) commune collapsed in St. George’s Hill after hostility
Name some features of the fifth monarchists
- formal emergence of millenarianism
- emerged 1650
Were the religious radical groups failures? Why/ Why not?
- short term failures
- long term significant as continuing influence of ideas
Who were the Levellers? How did they spread ideas?
- London based pressure group seeking reform
- spread ideas through pamphlets
What was ‘Adjutator Movement’? What were the Levellers motivations for it?
- movement in lower ranks of NMA due to missing pay
- Levellers wanted to agitate NMA so they can use them to have influence
What was the Leveller’s ‘Agreement of the People’?
- manifesto of Levellers (more representative P, P elected every 2 years)
What were the Putney Debates?
- meeting of ‘agents’ of adjutator movement as NMA had been negotiating with Charles over ‘Heads of Proposals’
When were the Putney debates?
- Oct/Nov 1647