Chapter 12 -- Personality Flashcards
What is personality?
A pattern of enduring and distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world.
What does the psychodynamic perspective say about personality?
Personality is primarily unconscious (beyond awareness).
Behaviour is surface level
Childhood experiences shapes adult personality.
What are Freud’s three structures of personality?
ID: Pleasure principle that seeks immediate gratification. Unconscious drives; the individual’s reservoir of sexual energy.
EGO: Reality principle. Tries to get what the id wants within societal norms. Higher mental functions. Mediator between id and superego.
SUPEREGO: Our conscience that evaluates the morality of our behaviour.
What is a defence mechanism?
The Freudian term for tactics the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.
What is the repression defence mechanism?
What is the rationalization defence mechanism?
What is the displacement defence mechanism?
What is the displacement defence mechanism?
What is the sublimation defence mechanism?
What is the projection defence mechanism?
What is the reaction formation defence mechanism?
What is the denial defence mechanism?
What is the regression defence mechanism?
What are Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development?
Oral stage (18 months)
Anal stage (18-36 months)
Phallic stage (3-6 years old)
Latency period
Genital stage
What is the oedipus complex?