Chapter 12: Biodiversity Preserving Landscape Flashcards
How many hectares of forests and woodlands are there and what percent of the world do forests and woodlands cover?
4 billion hectares; 30%
What percent of the world do grasslands cover?
4 billion hectares; 30%
What are the 2 most abundant forests around the world?
Boreal and Tropical
50% of the world’s forests are in what 5 countries?
Russia, Brazil, Canada, China, and the U.S.
Any area where trees cover more than
10% of the land area
What is the Great Range of Tree Density?
Savanna – trees cover less than 20% of the ground
Closed-canopy forest – tree crowns overlap to cover most of the ground.
Primary Forest – composed primarily of native species without indication of human activity; undisturbed ecology.
Primary forests are what fraction or percentage of all forests? (Globally)
1/3; 33%
Monoculture Forestry
Single species, single use, intensive cropping. Farmed primarily for wood production.
Ex. Pine Trees in Union County
Notes: Little biodiversity
What fraction or percentage of the world’s forests are managed for wood production?
1/4; 25%
The loss of forests
What are some causes of deforestation?
Clear-cutting (logging) Fires Biofuel production Cattle-ranching Intrusive farming practices
What was the Roadless Rule?
Passed in 2001 by the Clinton Administration which did not allow roads through forests
Forest Protection
An attempt to save forests
Tropical rainforests are the most highly targeted
areas. In undeveloped countries there are debt-
for-nature swaps.
What percentage of forests are under a “protected” statue?
In what decade did the U.S. Forest Service begin to
shift concerns in forest management to
ecosystem sustainable development?
What is the New Philosophy?
- Managing landscapes, watersheds; entire regions
- Considering human needs
- Maintaining biological diversity
- Generating public involvement and decision-making
- Experimenting and monitoring
- Use cooperative institutional arrangements
What biome is among the most used by humans?
What biome comprises up to 1/4 of Earth’s surface?
What are 2 examples of grasslands?
U.S. Great Plains
Canadian Prairie Provinces
People who live by herding animals
Occurs when grazing lands are abused, especially in arid areas
What does overgrazing lead to?
Fertile land becomes desert
What does overgrazing allow?
The growing of inedible species
Ex. Sage, mesquite, cheatgrass, cactus, etc…