Chapter 1 Vocabulary Flashcards
1) The circumstances or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms
2) The complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community
Environmental Science
The systematic study of our environment and our proper place in it
Sustainable Development
The idea that economic improvement for the world’s poorest populations is possible without devastating the environment
Utilitarian Conservation
A philosophy that resources should be used for the greatest good for the greatest number for the longest time
Biocentric Preservation
A philosophy that emphasizes the fundamental right of living organisms to exist and to pursue their own goods
Active participation in attempts to solve environmental pollution and resource problems
Sustainable Development
The idea that economic improvement for the world’s poorest populations is possible without devastating the environment
Global Environmentalism
A concern for, and action to help solve, global environmental problems
Extreme Poverty
Living on less then $1 (U.S.) per day
A sense of right and wrong
Moral Value
Moral Extensionism
Expansion of our understanding of inherent value or rights to persons, organisms, or things that might not be considered worthy of value or rights under some ethical philosophies
Inherent Value
Ethical values or rights that exist as an intrinsic or essential characteristic of a particular thing or class of things simply by the fact of their existence
Instrumental Value
Value or worth of objects that satisfy the needs and wants of moral agents
A philosophy that holds that humans have a unique responsibility to manage, care for, and improve nature
Environmental Justice
A recognition that access to a clean, healthy environment is a fundamental right of all human beings
Locally Unwanted Land Uses such as toxic waste dumps, incinerators, smelters, airports, freeways, and other sources of environmental, economic, or social degredation
Environmental Racism
Decisions that restrict certain people or groups of people to polluted or degraded environments on the basis of race
Toxic Colonialism
Shipping toxic wastes to a weaker or poorer nation