Chapter 12: Aid Flashcards
Explain emergency aid.
Rapid assistance given to people or countries in immediate distress to relieve suffering, during and after man-made emergencies, such as wars, natural disasters, such as floods, tsunamis or earthquakes.
Explain bilateral aid.
Aid is given by one country directly to another. For example when Australia provides aid to East Timor.
Explain multilateral aid.
Provided through international organisations, such as The World Bank. Combines donations from a number of countries and then distributes them to the recipients.
Explain non-government aid.
Provided by organisations, often for specific projects or programs that directly give aid to the communities in which they’re working.
Why is aid important?
Has an important role in providing resources to improve health and human development in developing countries, including financial support, health services and people skills.
How does UN improve global health?
Works in areas to provide:
- peace and security
- humanitarian assistance
- social and economic development
- human rights for all the worlds countries and citizens
Explain WHO and it’s six point agenda.
The UN agency that promotes good health. Six point agenda:
- Promoting development
- Fostering health security
- Strengthening health systems
- Harnessing research, info and evidence
- Enhancing partnerships
- Improving performance.
Explain UNICEF.
Stands for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Works to reduce the incidence of childhood illness, encourage equality between boys and girls and provide protection for children caught up in war and disaster.
Explain AusAID.
Australian Agency for International Development. Responsibility is to manage Australia’s international aid program, which is funded by federal government and deliver development initiatives. Purpose is to help overcome poverty and improve the lives of our neighbours and assist with growth and stability of our region.
List some non-government organisations
Red Cross
What’s the role of non-government agencies?
Provide assistance to those in need and do emergency relief, advocacy, awareness/addressing the issues such as land mines, food security and globalisation; provision of resources such as education and healthcare
List a non-government organisation.
Australian Red Cross; aims to help those in need, providing accessibly resources and promoting better health.
What is the UN’s four main purposes?
- To maintain international peace and security.
- To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal human rights and self determination of people.
- To cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
- To be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations in attaining these ends.
Define human rights.
Those rights that are inherent to a human being, founded on universal respect for the dignity and worth of each person.
Explain ECOSOC
The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the central forum for discussing social and economic issues and formulating policy recommendations. Breaks into 4;
- identifying solutions to international, economic, social and health problems
- encouraging universal respect for human rights and freedoms
- promoting higher standards of living, employment, and economic and social progress.
- facilitating international, cultural and educational cooperation
What is AusAID’s strategic goals?
Saving lives Promoting opportunities for all Sustainable economic development Effective governance Humanitarian and disaster response
Why does Australia provide aid to developing countries?
- to assist in achieving SDG’s
- to open trade opportunities
Explain a program that focuses on food security.
World Food Programme’s Food For Assets and is multilateral aid and emergency aid. Reasons for this program include hunger being the number one risk to health worldwide addressing SDG 2 and is the UN’s food agency that’s mandated to combat global hunger. Implementation includes e,g. 2011 WFP provided 3.6 million tonnes of food for approx. 100 million people in 75 different countries. FFA pays workers and farmers with food so they can start to build a hunger free future for their own communities. Works in Kenya, Nepal and Uganda. Contribution to SHD is to help transition from hunger recovery to food security development by focusing on building food assets, spreading food knowledge and nurturing stronger, more dynamic communities.
Explain a program that addresses HIV/AIDS.
Antiretroviral therapy, reasons include AIDS being declared a development crisis by the World Bank and mass contribution to U5MR as most children in developing countries are born with HIV/AIDS. Multilateral aid is provided by the Global Fund, addressing issues through prevention and management programs e.g. Increasing condom use. Implementation includes since 2002 providing AIDS treatment for more than 4.2 million people, slowing the incidence of new infections. Also putting people on treatment as soon as diagnosed, reducing risk of transmission by up to 90%. Contributes to SHD by ensuring that treatment is accessible for all and that prevention strategies are equitable and appropriate. Also found that educating communities about the disease and prevention strategies are sustainable choices for long term development improvement.
Explain a program that focuses on malaria.
Nothing But Nets campaign, established because malaria is a public health problem for over 100 countries around the world. Also causes loss in GDP e,g. $12 billion loss for Africa every year. Multilateral aid is provided and organised by UN and strives to improve malaria control and raise awareness about importance of prevention. Implementation includes providing long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying. Work by stopping mosquitoes from biting during the night and spreading disease, insecticide kills mosquitoes. Contributes to SHD by letting children focus on attending school and building their education, adults can spend time earning a living and contribute to economic development. Provided a better standard of living and enables women to become empowered.
Explain a program that focuses on immunisation.
The Measles and Rubella initiative, reasons include 22 million children in DC not receiving life saving immunisation and 2 million children die each year from preventable diseases. Type of aid is a NGO partnership organised by American Red Cross and UN, UNICEF etc. aim is to eliminate measles in five of the six Who regions by 2020. Implementation includes supporting over 80 countries to deliver more than 1 billion doses of the measles vaccine, helping to raise 85% immunisation coverage worldwide. Contributions to SHD are reducing child mortality and increases choices available to people living in developing countries. Increases life expectancy, enabling people in communities to lead healthy and productive lives.
Explain a program focused on safe water and sanitation
Bringing Safe Water closer to home, NGO from Australia. Reasons include 1 billion people lack safe water in their lives, with 2000 children dying every day because of unclean water. Results in spreading of illnesses such as diarrhoea. Works in 27 countries to help communities gain access to safe water by helping them build pumps and wells in close proximity to villages, enabling the growth of crops and to earn a living. Also hand washing helps to reduce incidence of diarrhoea by 47%. Contribution to SHD includes fewer deaths from water related diseases, empowerment of women and marginalised groups.
Explain a program that focuses on literacy.
UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund, providing emergency and multilateral aid to 58 million primary aged children who aren’t in school that face poverty and gender discrimination. Fight to educate girls and women especially with free access to education. Supports SHD as it provides women with opportunity to be educated, therefore expand knowledge and increase standard of living, this means that future generations will have knowledge as well to live wisely and sustainably.
Why does DFAT fund NGO’s?
- to contribute to the global reach of Australian aid