Chapter 12 Flashcards
Erikson was the first one to recognize it. The major personality attainment of adolescence and as a crucial step toward becoming a productive, content adult. constructing an identity involves defining who you are, what you value, and the directions you choose to pursue in life
Identity Versus Role Confusion
What Erikson call the psychological conflict of adolescence. He believed that successful psychological outcomes of infancy and childhood pave the way toward a positive resolution. If young people’s earlier conflicts were resolved negatively or if society limits their choices to ones that do not match their abilities and desires, they are likely to appear shallow, directionless, and unprepared for the challenges of adulthood
Identity Achievement
Commitment to values and goals following a period of exploration
Identity Moratorium
Exploration without having reached commitment
Identity Foreclosure
Commitment in the absence of exploration
Identity Diffusion
Characterized by lack of both exploration and commitmnet
Ethnic identity
A sense of ethnic-group membership and the attitudes, beliefs, and feelings associated with that membership
Acculturative Stress
Psychological distress resulting from conflict between the minority and the host culture
Bicultural Identitiy
By exploring and adopting values from both the adolescent’s subculture and the dominant culture
Preconventional Level
Morality is externally controlled. Children accept the rules of authority figures and judge actions by their consequences. Behaviors that result in punishment are views as bad, those that lead to rewards as good
Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience Orientation
Stage 2: The Instrumental Purpose Orientation
Conventional Level
Individuals regard conformity to social rules as important, but not for reasons of self-interest. Rather, they believe that actively maintaining the current social system ensures positive relationships and societal order
Stage 3: The Morality of Interpersonal Cooperation
Stage 4: The Social-Order-Maintaining Orientation
Postconventional Level
Move beyong unquestioning support for their own society’s rules and laws. They define morality in terms of abstract principles and values that apply to all situations and societies
Stage 5: The Social Contract Orientation
Stage 6: The Universal Ethical Principle Orientation
Moral Identity
The degree to which morality is central to self-concept
A sense of oneself as a Separate, self-governing individual
Groups of about 5-7 members who are friends and, therefore, usually resemble on another in family background, attitudes, values, and interests
Among Western adolescents attending high schools with complex social structures, often several cliques with similar values form a larger, more loosely organized gropu