Chapter 11 Flashcards
The transition between childhood and adulthood
A flood of biological events leading to an adult-sized body and sexual maturity
Stages of Puberty
- ) Early Adolescence (11-14) Period of rapid pubertal change
- ) Middle Adolescence (14-16) Pubertal changes are now nearly complete
- ) Late Adolescence (16-18) Full adult appearance, anticipates assumption of adult roles
Growth Spurt
The first outward sign of puberty is the rapid gain in height and weight
Primary Sexual Characteristics
Involve the reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, and vagina in females; penis, scrotum, and testes in males)
Secondary Sexual Characteristics
Visible on the outside of the body and serve as additional signs of sexual maturity (ex, breast development, underarm hair)
First menstruation
First ejaculation
Secular Trend
Generational change
Body Image
Conception of and attitude toward their physical appearance
Anorexia Nervosa
A tragic eating disorder in which young people starve themselves because of a compulsive fear of getting fat
Bulimia Nervosa
Young people (mainly girls) engage in binge eating, followed by compensatory efforts to avoid weight gain, such as deliberate vomiting, purging with laxatives, excessive exercise, or fasting
Binge-Eating Disorder
Binging at least once a week for three months or longer, without compensatory purging, exercise, or fasting
Formal Operational Stage
Piaget, around 11 when they develop the capacity for abstract, systematic, scientific thinking
Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning
The faces with a problem, they start wth a hypothesis, or prediction about variables that might affect an outcome, from which they deduce logical, testable inferences. Then they systematically isolate and combine variables to see which of these inferences are confirmed in the real world
Propositional Thought
Piaget’s formal operational stage (part 2). Adolescents’ ability to evaluate the logic of propositions (verbal statements) without referring to real-world circumstances
Information-Processing View of Adolescent Cognitive Development
Working memory increases, inhibition improves, attention becomes more selective, planning improves, strategies become more effective, knowledge increases, metacognition expands, cognitive self-regulation improves
Imaginary Audience
Adolescents’ belief that they are the focus of everyone else’s attention and concern
Personal Fable
Certain that others are observing and thinking about them, teenagers develop an inflated opinion of their own importance - a feeling that they are special and unique