The original philosopher who did not believe that matter was made from atoms was _.
Which statement abouts atoms is true?
Atoms cannot be seen with visible light.
When atoms of different elements bond to one another, they make a _.
Atoms that don’t exist naturally in nature are normally created _.
in the laboratory with high energy atomic accelerators and nuclear reactors
The model of the atom that is most similar to the model of our solar system is the _.
nuclear model of the atom
Which is the correct arrangment of an atom?
A nucleus consisting of neutrons and protons surrounded by orbiting electrons.
In the early 1800s, this famous scientist was the first person to successfully revive the theory that matter was made from atoms.
John Dalton
Which statement about atoms is true?
Atoms cannot be seen with visible light.
Atoms are so small that there are _ atoms in a droplet of water.
Which of the following atomic particles are the lightest?
An element is _.
when a substance is composed of only one kind of atom
Elements are arranged by their atomic number and electrical arrangements in _.
the periodic table
The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus is known as the _.
mass number
Which of the following atomic particles make up an atom?
Electrons, neutrons, protons.
In which substance would atoms move around the fastest?
The atmosphere.
What determines the size of the electron shell’s diameter?
The amount of electric charge in the nucleus.
_ is the explanation of why grains of pollen, when suspended in water, constantly move and jumping about.
Brownian motion
A substance that is mixed together without chemically bonding is called a _.
In order for us to visualize what an atom looks like, scientists construct _.
An element’s atomic number refers to _.
the number of protons in the nucleus
The lightest and most abundant element in the universe is _.
Matter composed of negative nuclei and positive electrons is known as _.
A _ is the smallest particle of a substance that consists of two or more atoms that bond together by sharing electrons.
Elements can have up to _ shells that hold electrons.
An isotope is _.
an atom with a different number of protons than neutrons in the nucleus
Dark matter is considered to be _.
plentiful in the universe