Chapter 11 - pt 2 Flashcards
voice-based mechanism
Corporate governance mechanism that focuses on shareholders’ willingness to work with managers, usually through the board of directors, by “voicing” their concerns
exit-based mechanisms
Corporate governance mechanism that focuses on exit, indicating that shareholders no longer have patience and are willing to “exit” by selling their shares
shareholder activism
(1) activities of large shareholders eager to maximize their returns
(2) activities of small shareholders pushing their own proposals
activist shareholder
(1) a traditional shareholder interested in maximizing his/her wealth
(2) a social activist eager to promote his/her agenda
shareholder democracy
a movement to let shareholders have more control of the management of the firm
shareholder empowerment
Shift in the allocation of power from corporate managers and directors to shareholders
private equity
equity capital invested in private (nonpublic) companies
leveraged buyout (LBO)
a means by which private investors, often in partnership with incumbent managers, issue bonds and use the cash raised to buy the firm’s stock
shareholder capitalism
a view of capitalism that suggests that the most fundamental purpose for firms to exist is to serve the economic interests of shareholders
managerial human capital
Skills and abilities acquired by top managers
foreign portfolio investment (FPI)
Foreigners’ purchase of stocks and bonds in one country
stewardship theory
a theory that suggests that managers should be regarded as stewards of owners’ interests
Firms list their shares on foreign stock exchanges
Washington Consensus
a view centered on the unquestioned belief in the superiority of private ownership over state ownership in economic policy making, which is often spearheaded by the US government and two Washington-based international organizations: the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
moral hazard
recklessness when people and organizations (including firms and governments) do not have to face the full consequences of their actions