Chapter 11: motor skills and action Flashcards
Basal ganglia
Is important in movement and planning/starting movement. Information in the basal ganglia is processed via the direct and indirect route:
- Direct route: has an activating effect.
- Indirect route: has an inhibitory effect.
In Parkinsons there is a degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the sunstantia nigra, which results in a deficiency of dopamine in the striatum. This causes the direct pathway to be less active and the indirect pathway to be more active, thus inhibiting more movements (hypokinesia).
Lack of movement.
Involves loss of neuron in the striatum, which results in an underactive indirect pathway, which causes more movements to occur (hyperkinesia).
An excess of involuntary movements.
Mainly involved in fine-tuning movements and predicting movements. Not the generation of movements.
Cerebellar ataxia
Uncoordinated movements
Lack of coordination in the movement when making eye and hand movements, people overshoot their target or stop too early.
3 aspects for smooth muscle control
- Movements in the central nervous system must be represented in motor programs.
- Sensory information must be used during movement.
- Agency: the feeling that you are the one who causes the movement.
Mirror neurons
Active when performing a movement and seeing someone else perform this movement. The posterior parietal cortex is seen as part of the mirror neuron system. Mirror neurons are part of the system that creates empathy.
Forward model
We make predictions of the consequences of an action can be made on the basis of an internal model of the motor system. This can explain why we don’t feel ticklish when we touch ourselves, but we do when someone else touches us.
Body schema
A representation of the body that is used in controlling movements. This is not consciously accessible.
Peripersonal space
The space around the body, used in trying to avoid something that is thrown at you or just not standing too close to another person.
The inability to perform specific predifined acitons or to carry out learned and purposeful movements. Caused by damage to the left parietal lobe, right parietal regions, temproal and frontal cortex.
Ideomotor apraxia
Being unable to make meaningful movements while knowing what movement would be appropriate/recognising the purpose of a certain tool. People form a concept of the action to be performed, allowing them to recognise the function of certain tools, but not to use them correctly.