chapter 11 info neuropsych Flashcards
left and right hemi have different funtions
four variables that complicate laterality research
not absolute, cerebral site just as important as cerebral side, laterality affected by environmental and genetic factors, laterality exhibited by range of animals
planum temportal
larger in left hemi, words, right ear
heschles gyrus
larger in right hemi, differentiate tone, left ear
double dissociation
2 areas of the cortex functionally dissociated by 2 behavioral tests, each test affected by lesion in one side, not other
procedure that cuts the corpus callosum so the 2 hemispheres no longer communicate, split brain (see faces in r hemi)
wada test
injection of sodium amobarbital to produce period of anesthesia in 1 hemi, allows study of each to determine what part of brain actually does what
asymmetry in visual system
tachistoscope-present visual info to each hemi independently, infer which is better at processing certain types of info by looking at accuracy of identification in each visual field
asymmetry in auditory system
dichotic listening-simultaneous presentation of 2 diff stimuli to each ear, report which heard most clearly, L ear advantage for musical/tonal quality, R ear advantage for verbal stimuli
asymmetry in somatosensory system
blindfold and perform tasks with hands (diff in efficiency evidence of lateralization)
dichaptic test-subjects feel object and identify those they touched, R hemi advantage for shapes, left hemi advantage for letters
asymmetry in motor system
apraxia, direct observation to see which hand is more active, Wolf and Goodale said r side of mouth opens wider and quicker for verbal and nonverbal tasks, facial expressions sooner on left side, interference tasks
x-xbar/standard deviation