Chapter 11- Hand Hygiene And Hand Washing Flashcards
What date was microscope invented and by who?
1647- Anton van Leeuwenhoek
When was vaccines invenTed and by who?
1796- Edward Jenner
When was hand washing invented and by who?
1840- dr ignaz Semmelweis
When was environmental factors invented and by who?
1854- Florence nightingale
When was germ theory of disease invented and by who?
1861-Louis Pasteur
When was anti-sepsis in surgery invented in by who?
1867- Joseph lister
When was penicillin discovery invented by who?
1928- Alexander Fleming
what are Healthcare associated infections?
They are infections are quiet as a result of health care. they are the most common complication affect on patients in Australia hospitals
What are common types of Health associated infections?
Lymes Typhoid fever Tuberculosis MRSA Srep throat Cholera Ulcers Salmonella
What are some Standard precautions to avoid health care associated infections?
Immunisation Hand hygiene personal protective equipment Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette Cleaning equipment between uses Environmental cleaning Linen and waste management Sharps safety Aseptic technique
What are the steps to hand hygiene and hand washing?
Before touching a patient
Before procedure
After procedure or body fluid exposure risk
After touching a patient
After touching a patient surroundings
What is PPE?
Personal protective equipment
Refers to a variety of barriers, used alone or in combination, to protect mucus membranes, airways, skin and clothing from contact with infectious agents
What are contact precautions?
Hand washing, gloves and gown/apron
What is MRSA?
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
What is VRE?
Vancomycin resistant enterococcus multi resistant gram negative