chapter 11 Flashcards
SDG objectives
end extreme poverty
fight inequality and injustice
tackle climate change
SDG rationale 1
a new set of goals and targets were needed
SDG rationale 2
progress in all areas was uneven across regions and countries
SDG rationale 3
new global challenges had emerged that needed to be considered
what is SDG
the 17 sustainable development goals include 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. The goals were developed through a collaborative process by all united nations members states in interest in making a world a better place
SP (area of importance) people
end poverty and hunger in all forms and ensure all human beings can fulfill their potential with dignity and equity and in a healthy enviroment
SP planet
protect the planet from degradation through sustainable consumption and production and acting on climate change to support the needs to the present and future
the UN’s SDGs 1-6 & 13
- no poverty
- zero hunger
- good hwb
- quality education
- gender equality
- clean water and sanitation
- climate action
key feature of SDG 3- reduce maternal mortality
maternal mortality refers to the number of deaths due to complications to pregnancy and childbirth
main causes: hemorrhage
key feature of SDG 3
improvement in maternal mortality rates
More births being assisted by skilled health personnel can decrease the risk of having a c section which is more risky than natural birth
what is the aim of ending preventable death for newborns and kids under 5
end preventable deaths and children under 5 from 19.2 per 1000 live births in 2015 to per 1000 live births in 2030
How to reduce the risk of preventable deaths in newborns and kids under 5
provide access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services
access to nutritional food
SDG 3 key feature
End communicable disease aim
end the epidemic of aids by 2030
what is aids
caused by HIV which damages and weakens the body’s immune system
ways to help end the aids epidemic
increased access to prevention services
removing barriers of discrimination
what is malaria
life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people when bitten by an infected female mosquito
key feature of noncommunicable diseases
aim is to reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases that occur due to lifestyle or environmental factors
How to reduce non-communicable diseases
implement taxes on alcohol and tobacco
increase funding to provide universal health coverage
key feature SDG 3
road traffic accidents
aims to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
How to reduce road traffic accidents
to achieve the aim a coordinated approach is needed such as good road infrastructure and ensuring that vehicles on the road are safe
SDG 3 key feature
drug and alcohol misuse
how does SDG 3 promote physical health and wellbeing?
with reduced risk of waterborne communicable diseases, their is an absence of disease which improves immune systems and allows the body to function properlytherefore promoting physcial hwb
how does SDG 3 promote mental health and well-being?
achieving universal health coverage will reduce the financial stressors of worrying about paying for essential health service
how does SDG 3 promote human development Answer 1
Working to reduce stigma around mental health condition and aids allow suffered to participate fully in their community
how does SDG 3 promote human development Answer 2
reducing the rate of infant and under-5 mortality allows children to grow up and have the opportunity to reach their full potential
SDG 1 no poverty aim
SDG 1 seeks to remove poverty and inequality within and among the nations. The aim is to end poverty in all it forms by 2030
SDG 1no poverty
poverty relates to the deprivation of resources
Extreme poverty is measured if people are living on less than US$1.90 per day
how does poverty affect people’s hwb
increased access to the social security system will reduce individuals who are unable to work due to illness improving mental hwb
how does poverty affect people human development
with increased income, people are able to afford to access basic resources such as food shelter and water allowing them to experience a decent standard of living
What is some key features of SDG 1
eradicating extreme poverty
implementing social protection systems
how does SDG 1 relate to SDG3?
Countries must have strategies in place to help reduce risks from natural disasters and outbreaks of disease and minimise the impact of events and ensure people do not experience poverty because of an event.
SDG 2 zero hunger key feature of this goal
to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition making sure all people have access to nutritious food all year round by promoting sustainable agriculture
what are the two aims of SDG 2 goals?
increase investment
address trade restrictions
how does SDG 2 promote hwb
lower levels of malnutrition improve immune system functioning and therefore reduce the likelihood of suffering of other diseases improving physical hwb
how does SDG 2 promote human development?
well nutrients children can attend school to develop to their full potential
how does SDG 2 relate to SDG 3
Reduced rates of injury and disease means people are more capable of tending to their crops or working in other industries which reduces poverty and increases access to food. Ultimately contributing to ending hunger and malnutrition
SDG 4 quality education goal
this goal addresses the need for girls and boys to have equal access to high-quality education at all levels
Key features to achieve by 2030 for SDG 4
ensure all learners are taught curriculum that promotes sustainable development
ensure all youth and adults have adequate literacy and numeracy skills
how does SDG 4 relate to SDG 3
Less disease among children means that more can attend school and gain an education.
SDG 5 gender equality goal
this goal seeks to end discrimination and violence against women by addressing the barriers that exist to gender equality. Both economic and social issue
what are some aims that SDG 5 want to achieve by 2030
recognise and value unpaid domestic work
ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health
how does SDG 5 relate to SDG 5
SDG 6 clean water and sanitation
this goal is about ensuring that all people are able to enjoy clean water and adequate sanitation
aims SDG 6 have to achieve by 2030
Protect and restore water-related ecosystems
enable access to adequate sanitation and hygiene for all
how does SDG 6 relate to SDG 3
Good health and wellbeing increases the ability of women to participate in community life which promotes gender equality.
SDG 13 climate action
goal 13 is about taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impact
what are the aims SDG 13 wants to each before 2030
strengthen resilience and capacity of all countries to adapt to climate-related
how does SDG 13 relate to SDG 3
Good health and wellbeing ensures that the population can explore options to generate a sustainable income which reduces environmental degradations which assists in reducing the impact of climate change
what is the WHO
world health organization
established in 1948
works with governments and other agencies around the world to achieve better health for everyone
what is the 1st core function fo the who
provide leadership and create partnerships to promote hwb
the who works with member states to develop international policies to prevent and manage disease outbreaks
what is the 2nd core function fo who
carry out research and provide hwb info
the who works with others to ensure the most up-to-date research is available to help inform decisions that promote hwb
what is the 3rd core function of who
set norms and standards and promote their implementation
the who works with other agencies and governments to standardize the way research is carried out, the use of common indicators for the collection
what is the 4th core function of the who
develop policies to help countries take action to promote hwb
policies help governments implement action that is known to be effective improving hwb
what is the 5th core function of the who
provide technical support and help build sustainable health systems
provide support to countries to implement changes in areas like healthcare.
help strength countries’ capacity for early warning and management of health risks
what is the 6th core function?
monitor hwb and assess health and well-being trends
the who developed a global health observatory that stores and shares health-related data
what are the WHO’S prioties
achieving universal health coverage
addressing health emergencies
promoting healthier populations
how does sdg 3 relate to sdg 6
Good health and wellbeing means that more people in local communities can participate in water and sanitation management.