chapter 11 Flashcards
“____ is that mode of thinking- about any subject, content, or problem- in which the thinker improves the quality of his/her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them”
Critical thinking
PAGE 239-240
Nurses just beginning to pay attention to their thinking processes may ask these questions after nurse-patient interactions have ended is known as what?
Reflective thinking
PAGE 240-241
Critical thinking is driven by the needs of what?
Patient and family
PAGE 241
What represents a universal intellectual standard by which problems are addressed and solved?
The nursing process
PAGE 242
What is NANDA and when was it founded?
It is a professional organization of nurses interested in standardized nursing terminology, that was officially founded in 1982.
“Its mission is to facilitate the development, refinement, dissemination and the use of standardized nursing diagnostic terminology with the goal to improve the health care of all people”
PAGE 243-244
What are the phases of the nursing process?
Phase 1: Assessment; Phase 2: Analysis and Identification of the Problem; Phase 3: Planning; Phase 4: Implementation of Planned Interventions; Phase 5: Evaluation
What are the two types of data about and fraom patients?
Subjective (what the patient says; symptoms) and Objective (nurses will collect through observation, examination, or consultation; signs)
PAGE 244-245
What are the methods of collecting patient data?
Interview, physical examination, consultation
PAGE 245
True or False: a nursing diagnosis identifies the problems the patient is experiencing as a result of the disease process, that is the human responses to the illness, injury, or threat
PAGE 246
What are the six components of the NANDA approved nursing diagnosis?
- Label; 2. Definition; 3. Related Factors; 4. Defining Characteristics; 5. Desired Outcomes/Evaluation Criteria; 6. Actions/Interventions
PAGE 247
What was the format formerly used to write the diagnostic statement and who created it?
PES Format (problem, etiology, signs/symptoms) and it was created by Marjory Gordon
PAGE 248