Chapter 10 - Visual Imagery Flashcards
What is mental imagery?
-you’re seeing something without an actual visual stimulus
Describe the image less thought debate. (2)
-Aristotle said we can’t have thought without being able to bring up imagery
-behaviourists said imagery helps for thought, but you do not need it
What did people believe during the cognitive revolution?
-thought exists without imagery, however imagery facilitates cognitive processes
Describe the study by Paivio briefly. What did it suggest? (2)
-got people to do a paired-associate learning task with concrete nouns (boat and tree) and abstract nouns (justice and belief) ending with four different pairings of words
-research suggested that people recalled memory better when two concrete nouns paired and lowest memory with two abstract pairs and came up with the conceptual peg hypothesis
What is the conceptual peg hypothesis?
-concrete nouns create images that other words can “hang onto” (peg) like a tree in a boat
Paivio suggested that we have two distinct coding systems. What are they?
-verbal and imagery
What systems do concrete nouns use according to Paivio?
-verbal labels and visual images
What systems do abstract words use according to Paivio?
-just verbal labels
What are image codes? Example? (2)
-represent information in a visual or pictorial form and are analog representations (capture details similar to how we perceive them in the real world)
-visualizing a map of a city
What are symbolic codes? Example? (2)
-verbal or symbolic form that are abstract representations (rely on learned conventions like language)
-thinking about the word dog to represent the concept of a dog
What does it mean when we say two codes are linked (symbolic and image codes)?
-when both verbal and visual information are combined they create dual codes that strengthen memory
What is easier to remember: symbolic codes or image codes?
-image codes
It is easier to remember words (symbolic codes) in _______.
What did Kosslyn do and what did it suggest?
-had people mentally scan across a map and found that it took longer to scan when they had to scan a greater distance
-concluded visual imagery is spatial
Pylyshyn started the imagery debate. What is this debate? (2)
-is imagery based on spatial mechanisms or language mechanisms
-like a check engine light isn’t the actual issue, it is what it represents it is an epiphenomenon