Chapter 10-The Jefferson Era Flashcards
Which two candidates had the same number of electoral votes at the end of the Election of 1800?
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr
How many electoral votes did Jefferson and Burr have?
73 Electoral Votes
What decided the Election of 1800 after there was a tie in the Electoral College?
House of Representatives
What amendment set the requirements for presidential elections?
12th Amendment-Requirements for the presidential elections by stating that the electoral votes went to one candidate
What type of governmental style “lets the people do as they choose”?
Laissez Faire-Hands off government to let the people do as they choose
What act helped the Federalists control the courts?
Judiciary Act of 1801-Added 16 judges to regional courts that were all appointed by the president
Why did John Adams want to appoint these judges before he left office?
Adams wanted to appoint these judges to shut Jefferson out if the appointment process and keep the Federalists in control in the courts
Who is the most famous midnight judge to not have his job finalized?
William Marbury
What was the landmark court case that established judicial review?
Marbury v. Madison
Why did the Supreme Court not give Marbury his job after the court case?
It would be unconstitutional for a new president to be forced to accept propositions not finalized by the previous
Marbury v. Madison was the first time the Supreme Court had ever decided that something was what?
Why would farmers in TN/KY establish their homes and farms near rivers that fed into the Mississippi River?
To ship their crops to the market
Who sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
How much did the US pay for the area in the Louisiana Purchase?
15 Million Dollars
250 Million Dollars in Modern Money
What political party threatened to secede due to the Louisiana Purchase?
The Federalists
Who was sent on an expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory?
Meriweather Lewis and William Clark
What river did those explorers follow along on their way to the Pacific Ocean?
Missouri River
Why was the Lewis and Clark expedition important to the western expansion of the US?
Their expedition inspired people to go west and settle by sparking a sense of adventure
What did the US do to prohibit trade with the rest of the world?
They set up the Embargo Act
What did Tecumseh try to build in response to Ohio River Valley settlement?
A strong Native American Confederacy
Who earned the nickname “Tippecanoe” after the battle of the same name?
William Henry Harrison
Who were two famous War Hawks that pressured Madison for war with Britain?
Henry Clay and John C Calhoun
What were the causes of the War of 1812?
The impressment of soldiers and attack on the Chesapeake
What happened at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend?
Andrew Jackson leads an attack against the Creek Indians of Mississippi at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in 1814
What city was burned greatly during the war?
Washington D.C.
What did Dolley Madison save from the President’s mansion?
A portrait of George Washington painted by Stweart
What 3 major buildings were burned down in Washington DC in the War of 1812?
Library of Congress
White House
The Capitol
What was the fort found at the entrance to the Baltimore Harbor?
Fort McHenry
What famous American song was written after the Battle of Fort McHenry?
The Star-Spangled Banner
What treaty ended the War of 1812?
The Treaty of Ghent
What major battle took place after the peace treaty was signed?
The Battle of New Orleans-January 8, 1814
Who became a well-known hero after that battle?
Andrew Jackson
What did the outcome of the War of 1812 do for America?
Helped the US gain respect around the world and built a strong national identity (Nationalism)