Chapter 10 - Structuring Practice Flashcards
what are 5 things you need to consider when trying to structure a practice
-how long
-how many rests
-how many diff. activities
-how much time between practices
-how much structure
what are 4 off-task practice aspects
motivation, instructions, demonstrations, mental practice
-can occur in absence of any PA
-BUT more effective if are interspersed with physical practice
why does motivation affect a learners practice
they devote greater effort to the task, with more serious rpactice and longer practice periods, leading to more effective learning
what are three basic needs taht determine an individuals intrinsic motivation
-relatedness (being accepted within a social context)
what are 3 specific facotrs that influence motivation that may afftect motor learning
-goal setting
-augmented feedback
-self-regulation of practice
what group would perform better, one that has a goal or one that was told to do their best
one with the goal
-maintain in retention test
positive augmented feedback can provide what to motor learning
a boost, even if the feedback is not entirely true (false-positive-normative feedback)
what is self-regulation of practice
providing some control over the learning environment
when self-regulaiton is used for practicing a skill, learners are typically told what
-can control how much practice to undertake, when augmented feedback will be provided
-how to organize the practice schedule
in self-regulation practice studies, what are the yoked groups
control groups that are provided the same schedule of feedback delivery as the self-selected group, however they did not get to select it
effective instructors often begin a demonstration by simply saying what
do this
instructions have been determined to play a strong role in what 2 forms concerning motor learning
-directing attentional focus
-demonstrations and mdoeling
through verbal instructions, for most performers, instructing them to pay attention to what produces more skilled performance compared to what
intended result of an action (external focus) compared to pay attention to aspects of the movement itself (internal focus)
-perhaps with exception of beginners
does mental practice procedures actually generate motor learning
not as much as physical practice but it does result in far more improvement than in no-practice control groups
What should you limit your verbal instructions to
1 or 2 points
demonstrations are also known as what
demonstration increases what in relation to a neural basis
mirror neurons
-thye respond to actions that we observe
-create direct link between send of a message and its receiver
an fMRI found mirror neurons primarily in what part of the human brain
-premotor cortex
-supplementary motor area
-inferior frontal gyrus
what is the cognitive view of how mental practice generates new task learning
-facilitates the learning of what to do (only really present in early stages of learning)
mental practice is not just what
cognitive or symbolic learning
what is the neural explanation of how mental practice works
-during mental practice, the motor system produces minute contractions of the participating musculature (mushc smaller than what is actually needed) - movement is carried out in the CNS, providing practice even without moving body - emgs show evidence of weak activities during mental practice (does not resemble pattern of actual movement tho)
what are the 2 roles for mental practice
-skill aquisition
-performance preparation
practicing 4h a day leads to what 2 things
-least effective in schedule in terms of learning
-most efficient in terms of total practice time
what is massed practice
provides relatively little rest between trials
what is distributed practiced
lots of rest
-perhaps with a rest period between etrials that is as long as the trial itself
for a given number of practice trials, decreasing the amount of rest between trials reduces what
the time available for dissipation of fatigue, degrading performance on the next practice trial and perhaps interfefering with learning
what effect does reducing the rest time through massed practice affect learning for discrete tasks
no evidence that it affects learning
-trials are so short, it is very difficult to make rest periods short enough to affect performance
what are the effects of distributed practice on continuous tasks
-longer rest periods lead to more skilled performance during practice and on retention test
what is the costs of longer rest periods even if they lead to positive effects on performance and learning
-lost time
however, costs of rest periods in training might outweigh the benefits of learning
how can you have rest periods in practice but still make time between physical practice trials both effect and efficient
mental practice and observation
rests during periods of physical practice can encourage what
self-evaluation of performance outcomes
what are invariences
properties that remain unchanged regarless of changes in the conditions
members of a class of movements have what 4 characteristics
-common movement sequencing exists among the elements
-common temporal, or rhythmical, organizaion exists
-same action can often be carried out with different effectors
-same action can differ in surface features on 2 diff. occasions, specified by diff. movement parameters
action patterns are governed by what
generalized motor programs
what do schemas allow for
-generate movement with parameter values based on the learners past experience in using this generla motor program
-allows learner to make a movement that they have never made previously by estimating based on their past experiences
what is constant-practice
practicing only a single member of a class of task
what is variable practice
praciticing several members of the class of tasks
what are learners performance like during practice and when switched to a novel version of a task on a transfer test, for constant and variable practice
-during practice constant does better
-during novel task variable group does better
variable practice enhances what
-allows performers to apply past learning to actions not specifically experienced before in practice
schema theory predicts that variable rpactice is best suited for performance that applies what
novel movement parameters to just a sinlge version of the general motor program
what part of the conceptual model is variable practice aimed at
response programming
what part of conceptual model allows us to know what diff. variations of a general motor programs parameters feel like
proprioceptive feedback
what part of the conceptual model makes us able to know what diff. variations of general motor programs look like
exteroceptive feedback
what are 3 key points of the schema theory
-learning general rules for applying parameters
-learning to parametize the general motor program
-allows learner to attempt novel variations of a skill
how to improve schema learning, what does this improve also and why
variable practice
-improves generlizability because you are practicing adding parameters and comparing
when skills require different general motor programs, what does this create
contextual interferance
what is contextual interference
memory and performance disruption that occurs when perform multiple skills or variations within one practice session
high contextual interference leads to what
better learning
-during practice will perform worse BUT perform better during retention and transfer
what is blocked practice
all trials of a given task are completed before moving on to the next task
what is random practice
order of task presentation is mixed across the practice period
what is the evidence of random practice being effective like in the lab
consisten across many studies
random practice sees benefit in particular for what
performance in novel test contexts
-transfer tests
what are 2 reasons as to why random practice is so effective
elaboration hypothesis
forgetting hypothesis
according to the elaboration hypothesis because of random practice memory representations of the diff. skill variations are what
according to the elaboration hypothesis because of random practice memory is more robust because
the learner has to keep each diff. variation of the task in their working memory
-helps limit confusing because keep switching, helps differenciate
according to the elaboration hypothesis because of random practice it allows the learner to what
compare and contrast the skill variations
according to the elaboration hypothesis because of random practice memory becomes more what
elaborate and distinct
what is the idea behin the action forgetting hypothesis
learner forgets and then needs to reconstruct the action plan for each practice trial
-random practice provides more opportunity for this than blocked
-this skill is necessary for a retention test and for later performance
the elaboration and forgetting hypotheses are what when it comes to random practice
not mutually exclusive
random practice leads to what 2 main thigns
stronger memory representation fo mvoemetn
-better motor programming processes
other than the hypotheses, what is some other reason that random practice is beneficial
increased contextual interference requires more attention during practice which leads to a more engaged practice
-a decrease in this can lead to learners over estimating what they have learned
does random practice work in non-laboratory tasks
in the baseball study for random practice, it lead to what
more sustained learning over time
what are 2 limitations of random practice
motor skill characteristics
-if skill too advance, cant even perform one trial, so too hard
learner charactersitcis
-trying to teach a skill to the wrong person
what type of contextual interference leads to better learning for kids
what type of practice is best for kids
variable practice
there is some evidence that beginners learn better with what type of practice
-but not forever
what does the challenge point framework predict
that practice conditions should be selected to optimally challenge the learner
what does the challenge point framework predict when it comes to random practice
optimal for low level of difficulty
what does the challenge point framework predict when it comes to blocked or serial practice
good for high levels of difficulty
what are 2 other options other than blocked and random practice
hybrid schedules
practice contingencies
motor ____ is task specific
-guiding principle when designing practice
positive transfer occurs when what are similiar
physical and mental characteristics
variability helps learners to develop skills that are what
stable and adaptable
mental practice is particularly advantageous when it comes to rehabilition because
duration of phhysical practice is limited due to fatigue and resources