Chapter 10. Rogers: Person-Centered Theory Flashcards
We use the label ________ in reference to Rogers’s therapy.
We use the more inclusive term ________ to refer to Rogerian personality theory.
Rogers postulated 2 broad assumptions:
- formative tendency
2. actualizing tendency
There is a tendency for all matter, both organic and
inorganic, to evolve from simpler to more complex forms. For the entire universe, a creative process, rather than a disintegrative one, is in operation. What tendency is this?
formative tendency
The tendency within all humans (and other animals and plants) to move toward completion or fulfillment of potentials.
actualizing tendency.
It is similar to the lower steps on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
need for maintenance
This need to become more, to develop, and to achieve growth is called _________.
It is the tendency to actualize the self as perceived in awareness.
True or False. Self-actualization is a subset of the actualization tendency and is therefore not synonymous with it.
2 self subsystems:
- self-concept
2. ideal self
It includes all those aspects of one’s being and one’s experiences that are perceived in awareness (though not always accurately) by the individual.
True or False. The self-concept is ourorganismic self.
False. The self-concept is NOT IDENTICAL with the organismic self.
It is defined as one’s view of self as one wishes to be.
ideal self
A wide gap between the ideal self and the self-concept indicates _________ and an unhealthy personality.
According to Rogers, it is “the symbolic representation (not necessarily in verbal symbols) of some portion of our experience”.
True or False. Awareness is necessary for the existence of the self-concept and ideal self.
Levels of Awareness
- Some events are experienced below the threshold of awareness and are either ignored or denied.
- Rogers hypothesized that some experiences are accurately symbolized and freely admitted to the self-structure.
- Experiences that are perceived in a distorted
The person develops a need to be loved, liked, or accepted by another person, a need that Rogers referred to as __________.
positive regard
True or False. Positive regard is a prerequisite for positive self-regard.
The experience of prizing or valuing one’s self.
positive self-regard
They perceive that their parents, peers, or partners love and accept them only if they meet those people’s expectations and approval. This is an illustration of _________.
conditions of worth
This arises when the positive regard of a significant other is conditional, when the individual feels that in some respects he [or she] is prized and in others not.
conditions of worth
Our perceptions of other people’s view of us are called _______________.
external evaluations.
Rogers believed that people are ________ when they are unaware of the discrepancy between their organismic self and their significant experience.
It is the protection of the self-concept against anxiety and threat by the denial or distortion of experiences inconsistent with it.
A chief defense wherein we misinterpret an experience in order to fit it into some aspect of our self-concept.
A chief defense we refuse to perceive an experience in awareness, or at least we keep some aspect of it from reaching symbolization.
This exists when a person’s organismic experiences are matched by an awareness of them and by an ability and willingness to openly express these feelings.
Congruence involves:
1) feelings
2) awareness
3) expression
What occurs when the need to be liked, prized, or accepted by another person exists without any conditions or qualifications?
unconditional positive regard
The third necessary and sufficient condition of psychological growth is __________.
empathic listening
Stages of Therapeutic Change:
Stage 1 is characterized by an unwillingness to communicate anything about oneself.
Stage 2, clients become slightly less rigid.
Stage 3, they more freely talk about self, although still
as an object.
Stage 4 begin to talk of deep feelings but not ones presently felt.
Stage 5, they have begun to undergo significant
change and growth.
Stage 6 experience dramatic growth and an irreversible movement toward becoming fully functioning or self-actualizing.
Stage 7 become fully functioning “persons
of tomorrow”.
The person of tomorrow are:
- more adaptable
- open to their experiences
- live fully in the moment
- harmonious relations with others
- more integrated
- have a basic trust of human nature
- enjoy a greater richness in life than do other people
They would see each experience with a new freshness and appreciate it fully in the present moment. Rogers referred to this tendency to live in the moment
as _________.
existential living
True or False. According to Rogers, science is and must always be objective and empirical.
False. According to Rogers, science BEGINS AND ENDS with the SUBJECTIVE experience, although everything in between must be objective and empirical.
A natural instinct directing us toward the most fulfilling pursuits.
organismic valuing process (OVP)
This exist when a person experiences conditions of worth, incongruence, defensiveness, and disorganization.
Barriers to psychological growth
Conditions of worth and external evaluation lead to ________, ________, and ________ and prevent people from experiencing unconditional positive
vulnerability, anxiety, and threat
True or False. The basic outcomes of client-centered counseling are congruent clients who are open to experiences and who have no need to be defensive.