Chapter 10 Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders Flashcards
- Definition -
- disturbances of conciousness
- Definition - state of awareness
- Disturbances of consciousness -
- result of a brain pathology,
- disorientation disturbance of person, place, or time
- Delirium disorientation with restlessness and confusion often associated iwth fear and hallucinations.
- Confusion - inapproprate reactions to environmental stimuli, manifested by disordered orientation in relation to person, place, and time
- Sundowning occurs in the late afternoon and at hight in older people.(characterized by drowsiness, confusion, ataxia, falling, agitation and sometimes aggressions.
- Definition
- Disturbances of attention
- Definition - Ability to remian focused on an activity or experience or the ability to concentrate
- Disturbances of attention -
- distractibility - the inability to concentrate one’s attention without attention beign draw to unimportant or irrelevant stimuli.
- selective inattetions - blocking out activities, objects or concepts that produce anxiety
- Hypervigilance - excessive attention and alertness that guards against potential danger
- Trance - sleeplike state with minimal environmental awareness followed by amnesia for the experience.
- Description
- Disturbances of affect
- Description - a feeling state associated iwht affect and mood that consists of psychological and physical components (fear, anger, joy)
- Disturbances of affect - Inappropriate affect,
- blunted affect (severe lack of affect)
- flat affect - absence of any affective signs of emotion
- Labile - rapid and abrupt changes in affect
Motor behavior
- Description -
- Disturbances of motor behavior
- Echo praxia
- Catatonia
- Stereotypy
- psychomotor retardation
- hyperactivity
- acting out
- akathisia
- ataxia
- Description - behavioral and motoric expressions of impulses, drives, wishes and motivations and craving
- Disturbances
- Echopraxia - meaninless imitation of another person’s movments
- Catatonia - immobiliyt or rigidity
- Stereotypy - repetition of fixed patterns of movments and speech
- psychomotor retardation - decrease or slowed cmotor and cognitive activity
- Acting out - physical expression of thoughts and impulses
- Akathisia - state of restlessness characterized by an urgent need for movement (usually a side effect of medication)
- Ataxia - irregularity or failure of muscle coordination upon movment
- Description
- Disturbances in form of thought
- Circumstantiality
- Tangentiality
- perseveration
- flight of ideas
- Disturbances in Content of thought
- Delusions
- Cumpulsions
- obsessions
- Description - Goal directed reasoned flow of ideas and associations, normal thinking follows logical sequence.
- Disturbances in form of thought -
- Circumsstantiality - speech that is delayed in reaching the point and contains excessive or irrelevant details.
- Tangentiality - abrupt changing of focus to la loosely associated topi
- Preseveration is a persistent focus on a previous topic or behavior after a new topic has been introduced
- flight of ideas - rapid shifts in thought sform one idea to another
- Distrubances in Content of thought
- Delusions - false beliefs about external reality without an appropriate stimulus that cannot be explained by the individual’s intelligence or cultural background
- Compulsions - need to act on specific impulses to releive associated anxiety
- Obsessions - constitute a persistent thoguth or feeling that cannot be eliminated by logical thought.
- Description - expression of ideas, thoguths and feeling sthrought language
- Disturbances in Speech -
- pressured speech
- poverty of speech
- nonspontanteous speech
- Stuttering
- Perseveration in speech
- Disturbances in language output
- Expressive aphasia (Broca’s)
- Receptive aphasia (wernicke’s)
- Nominal aphasia
- Global aphasia
- Desturbances in speech
- presured speech - rapid and increased in amount, difficult to interrupt
- poverty of speech - limited in amount and content
- Nonspontaneous speech - responses that are given only when spoken directly to
- Stuttering - consists of repetition of a word or phrase
- Disturbances in language outbut
- Expressive Aphasia - inability to speak
- Receptive aphasia - loss of the ability to comprehend
- Nominal aphasia - inability to name objects
- Global aphasia - involves all forms of aphasia
- the procwess of interpreting sensory information recieved from the environment
- Distrubances of perception
- Hallucinations
- Illusions
- Distrubances associated with a cognitive disorder
- Agnosia
- Astereognosis
- Visual agnosia
- Adiadochokinesia
- Disturbances associated with conversion and dissociateve phenomena
- Distrubances of perception
- Hallucinations - false sensory percpetions that are not in response to an external stimulus
- Illusions are misperceptions or misinterpretations of real sensory events
- Distrubances associated with a cognitive disorder
- Agnosia- inability to understand and interpret signficance of sensory input
- Astereognosis - inabiliyt to identify objects throught touch
- Visual agnosia - inabiliyt to recognize people and objects
- Adiadochokinesia - in abiliyt to perform rapidly alternating movements
- Conversion and dissociative phenomena -
- disturbanes are in response to repressed material and involve physical symptoms and distortions that are not under voluntary control or associated with a physical disorder
- Depersonalization - sense of bein unreal or inanimate
- Derealization - the environment is unreal
- Fugue - state of serious depersonalization, often involving travel or relocation, in withch the individualt takes on a new identity with amnesia for old identitiy
the ability to store and retrieve information related to past experiences
- Levels of memory
- Immediate
- Recent memory
- Recent past memory
- Remote memory
- Disturbances of memory
- Levels of memory -
- Immediate - ability to recall material within seconds or minutes
- Recent memory - ability to recall events of the bast few days
- Recent past memory - abilityt to recall evenets of the past few months
- Remote memory - ability to recall events of the distant past
- Disturbances of memory
- amnesia - inability to recall past experienes of personal identitiy, caused by organic or emotional dysfunction. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to remember events that occured prior to the event.
- Description
- Positive symptoms
- Negative symptoms
- Description - characterized by the presence of the symptoms, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, catatonic behavior
- Positive symptoms - the excesses or distortions of normal function. presence of delusions, hallucinations disorganized speech, Grossly disorganized. catatonic behavior.
- Negative symptoms - loss or absence of function, restricted emotion, decreased thoguth and speech, lac of motivation and initiative, inability to relate to others
Subtypes of schizophrenia
Paranoid type
- preoccupation with one or more delusions of persecution or grandeur
- auditory hallucinations frequently present
- individuals with this type present with fewer negative symptoms.
Subtypes of schizophrenia
Disorganized type
- Distingueshed by marked regression demonstrating primitive, disinhibited, and disorganized behavior.
Subtypes of schizophrenia
Catatonic type
characterized by severe disturbances in motor behavior involvign stupor, negativeism, rigidity excitement or posturing
Subtypes of schizophrenia
Undifferentiated type
for those who do not clearly fit inot oth of the other categories.
Psychotic disorders impact on function
- demonstrate deficits in cognitive-perceptual and social interaction skills
- deficits in processing sensory information, making interaction with the environment difficult
- difficulty with own ego boundaries, often exhibiting socially inappropriate intrusive, behaviors
- poor social and communication skills needed for maintaining a satisfying interpersonal relationship
- Thought disorders cause deficits in cognitive function. Interview/difficulties with performance in mall areas of occupation (ade and leisure pursuits)
Psychotic disorders considerations for Occupational Therapy
- when weroking with this population, communicate simply, clearly and concreatly due to presence of disordered thinking
- external strucutre to organize the individuals thinking, environment, and ADLS