Chapter 10 - Political Challenges to Liberalism Flashcards
Advantages of Democracy
Rights and freedoms, active citizenship, informed public, protects minorities
Disadvantages of Democracy
Inefficient, bureaucratic, run by elite groups, voter apathy
Characteristics of Democracy
Majority rule, citizen participation, limits on dissent, multiple political parties
the business of running an organization or government
Pre-requisites of Democracy
Reg elections, secret ballot, leadership changes, choice among candidates
Direct Democracy
where citizens participate directly in decision making
Two issues with direct democracy
Time consuming and expensive for a big group of citizens to gather, and individuals are very busy and might not have the time to partake
citizens draw up a petition and if enough people sign, it can force a public vote
Referendums and Plebiscites
a direct vote by citizens on a law as opposed to representatives and usually reserved for important decisions
Representative Democracy
citizens elect a candidate to make decisons on their behalf
Non-confidence vote
bills of importance must be passed or executive must step down
What else is a single member constituency called?
First past the post
What is a single member constituency?
where candidates who pass a certain point in the
race with the highest number of votes in each of their ridings win
an electoral district
Bicameral system
two chambers (HOF and senate)
How is it determined who will be in the senate?
appointed by the governor general by the recommendation of the prime minister
What does the senate do?
act as a sober second thought, offer amendments to bills passed by the HOC
Constitutional monarchy
queen as head of state
actions associated with the HOC
Periodic elections
holding elections (within every four years)
Civil service
ex. jobs hired (not appointed) to fill roles in govt services
Opposition party
second largest party
Responsible government
the executive must respond to the wishes of the legislative branch
Cabinet ministers
given special responsibilities
meeting of all members of a party
Party (cabinet) solidarity
practice of party members to publically support policy
Party whip
responsible for discipline