Chapter 10 - Maslow Flashcards
What are conative needs?
Those needs with striving or motivational character
What are Maslow’s assumptions about motivation?
- holistic approach
- usually complex
- continually motivated by one need or another
- everyone everywhere motivated by same basic needs
- needs can be arranged on hierarchy
What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
- Physiological
- Safety
- Love and belongingness
- Esteem
- Self-actualization
What are physiological needs?
- food
- water
- oxygen
- body temperature
What are safety needs?
- physical security
- stability
- dependency
- protection
- freedom from threatening forces (eg war, terrorism, illness, anxiety, danger)
What are love and belongingness needs?
- friendship
- mate and children
- belonging to family, club, neighborhood, or nation
What are esteem needs?
- self-respect
- confidence
- competence
- esteem of others
What are self-actualization needs?
- self-fulfillment
- realization of potential
- creativity in full sense of the word
What are the three types of people in terms of love and belongingness needs?
- secure: adequately met in formative years
- distant: never experienced in early years
- insecure: inconsistent experience in younger years
What other needs did Maslow identify in addition to the conative needs?
- aesthetic: need for beauty
- cognitive: need for knowledge
- neurotic: those that lead to stagnation and pathology
What is metapathology?
The absence of values, lack of fulfillment, and loss of meaning in life
What are the higher and lower level needs?
- higher: love, esteem, self-actualization
- lower: physiological, safety
What were Maslow’s criteria for self-actualization?
- free from psychopathology
- progressed through hierarchy of needs
- embracing of B-values
- fulfill needs to grow, develop, & meet potentials
What are B-values?
- “metaneeds”
- truth, goodness, beauty, wholeness/transcendence of dichotomies, aliveness/spontaneity, uniqueness, perfection, completion, justice & order, simplicity, richness/totality, effortlessness, playfulness/humor, and self-sufficiency/autonomy
What are the characteristics of self-actualizing people?
- acceptance of self, others, & nature
- spontaneity, simplicity, & naturalness
- problem-centering
- need for privacy
- autonomy
- continued freshness of appreciation
- peak experiences
- profound interpersonal relations
- democratic character structure
- discrimination between means/ends
- philosophical sense of humor
- creativeness
- resistance to enculturation
What is the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI)?
A standardized test for measuring self-actualizing values and behaviour
What is the Jonah complex?
Fear of being or doing one’s best