Chapter 10- Gender Stratification Flashcards
Can you describe the ways in which society creates gender stratification? Can you explain the importance of gender to socialization? Can you analyze the extent of gender inequality in various social institutions? Can you apply sociology's major theories to gender stratification? Can you contrast liberal, radical, and socialist feminism?
What is Gender Stratification?
the unequal distribution of wealth, power, or privilege between men and women
Can you define Gender?
refers to the meaning culture attaches to being female or male
What are the 3 important studies that highlight just how different “masculine” and “feminine” can be?
- the Israeli kibbutz
- Margaret Mead’s Research
- George Murdock’s Research
What is the Israeli Kibbutz?
a collective settlement where men and women have social equality (in work & decision making)
What entails Margaret Mead’s Research?
concluded that culture is the key to gender distinctions, because what one society defines as masculine another may see as feminine
What entails George Murdock’s Research?
found some global agreement on which tasks are feminine and which are masculine (matriarchy/patriarchy)
What is a Matriarchy?
a form of social organization in which females dominate males
What is a Patriarchy?
a form of social organization in which males dominate females
Can you define Sexism?
the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other
What is the importance of Socialization to Gender?
through the socialization process, gender becomes part of our personalities (gender identity) and our actions (gender roles)
What are the Major Agents of Socialization that reinforce the cultural definition of what is masculine and feminine?
family, peer groups, schools, mass media
How does Gender Stratification shape the Workplace?
- women make up about less than half the workforce in Canada
- about more than half of women are employed in the 5 C’s occupations (caring, clerical, cleaning, catering, cashiering) (aka: “pink-collared jobs”)
- men dominate in most other job categories (skilled trades, CEO’s, etc)
- women earn 79% as much as men
How does Gender Stratification shape Family Life?
- most unpaid housework done by women (no matter if they had jobs outside the home)
- pregnancy and raising small children kept many women out of workforce at a time when their male peers are making important career gains
How does Gender Stratification shape Education?
- women now earn 59% of all bachelors degrees
- women make up 78% of graduates who earn health related degrees and are an increasing share of graduates in professions traditionally dominated by men
How does Gender Stratification shape Politics?
- number of women in politics has increased significantly, most elected officials (at national levels) are men
- women make up only 15% of Canadian military personnel
How is Violence against Women and Men linked to how a Society Defines Gender?
- sexual harassment- mostly victimizes women bc our culture encourages men to be assertive and see women in sexual terms
- pornography- portrays women as sexual objects, can dehumanize women, power issue
What is a Minority?
any category of people distinguished by physical or cultural differences that a society sets apart and subordinates
What is Sexual Harassment?
comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated, and unwelcomed
What does Structural-functional theory suggest about Gender Stratification in Pre-industrial societies?
distinctive roles to males and females reflects biological differences between the sexes
What does Structural-functional theory suggest about Gender Stratification in Industrial societies?
marked gender inequality becomes dysfunctional and gradually decreases
What does the Symbolic-interaction theory suggest about Gender Stratification?
gender plays a part in shaping how we socially construct reality through everyday interactions
What does Social-conflict Theory suggest about Gender Stratification?
gender inequality benefits men and disadvantages women & gender is a dimension of social inequality
What does Intersection Theory suggest about Gender Stratification?
visible minority women encounter greater social disadvantages than non-visible minority women (and earn much less than non-visible minority men)
What is intersection Theory?
analysis of the interplay of race, class, and gender, which often results in multiple dimensions of disadvantage
What is Liberal Feminism?
seeks equal opportunity for both sexes within the existing society
What is Radical Feminism?
seeks to eliminate the concept of gender itself and to create a egalitarain and gender free society
What is Socialist Feminism?
claims that gender equality will come about by replacing capitalism with socialism