Chapter 10 "Accountability" Flashcards
What is the only way to maintain control of personnel on scene?
A PAR is only good for locating a downed firefighter if that firefighter can ________.
A good accountability system allows an IC or Safety Officer to…
quickly know who is operating on the fireground and ideally where
Accountability System are two types:
Active or Passive
Most fire departments use what type of accountability system?
Passive System require firefighter too _________.
Most common Passive Systems provide each firefighter with:
two tags, markers, key rings or other devices with their name on it.
Active Systems uses a….
active transmitter or integrated receiver in their gear.
Active Systems generally interact with _______ _______ and _______.
Portable Radios & SCBA’s
An Accountability System must be in place and enforced by?
How often should PAR’s be completed of fire ground operations?
NFPA 1561 Section 6.4.3 of, Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System and Command Safety, states PAR’s should be completed in _______ minute intervals.
10 (Ten)
An effective accountability system will allow RIT teams to?
know who is missing or how many are missing when an unexpected event occurs.
Deploying a RIT into a hazardous area to search for someone who isn’t missing is a ________ _______.
terrible thing.
The RIT team should have a system for maintaining
accountability for its own team.
Someone out side the ________ zone should maintain accountability for the RIT team.
All emergency responders should know:
Whom their working for
Where they are working
What they are doing
MAYDAY Procedures should be captured in department?
NFPA 1561, Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System and Command Safety, provides:
guidance related to developing a MAYDAY SOP
One of the most difficult situations a firefighter can face or come to grips with is:
Being lost or Missing
When Lost a Firefighter MUST follow these guidelines:
Do Not Panic Admit you are lost and call for help Activate your PASS Device Keep your company together Follow a hose line or lifeline Search for an opening Conserve your air supply Shine your light upward if you are trapped.
A major challenge for the fire service is:
Personnel Accountability
Which way do you follow couplings to exit a building?
From the Female Coupling to the Male Coupling (Smooth-Bump-Bump to the Pump)