Chapter 10 Flashcards
Police powers under CDEM Act 2002
Warrant to obtain information required urgently to prevent or limit the extent of emergency.
- Power of entry to obtain info.
- Period of warrant not exceeding 10 days.
- Enter and search, use assistants, use force, search and seize, take copies or extracts of any documents, require person to reproduce document so it is in usable form.
- Disposal of info, give to director or controller and when no longer required, return it to whom it was seized.
- Evacuate.
- Enter onto premise in emergency area.
- Restrict public access.
- Remove vehicle etc that is impeding.
- Requisition a wide range of resources - need a written statement if property asa practicable.
- Direct any person to stop activity that may cause or contribute to emergency.
- Examine mark seize sample secure disinfect or destroy any property animal or other thing in order to prevent or limit extent of emergency.
- Person exercising powers must provide proof of identity and if requested give explanation or provide evidence of the authority under which he is acting.
Offences under CDEM Act.
- Failure to comply with requirement in civil defence emergency mgmt plan.
- Obstruction.
Coordinated Incident Management System
Incident defn (CIMS)
Most are emergencies but also non emergencies, such as large public gatherings and event. Incidents range from small to large; simple to complex; and can be managed at one or multiple levels.
Purpose of using CIMS
Achieve effective coordinated incident management across responding agencies by 1 establishing common structures functions and terminology used by agencies yet within a framework that is flexible modular and scalable so it can be tailered to circumstances, 2 enable agencies to develop their own processes procedures and training for the execution of CIMS.
Emergency defn
situation that poses an immediate risk to life health property or the environment that requires a coordinated response.
4 components of emergency mgmt (R’s)
Risk reduction
When is CIMS applied (which of the 4 components)
Response. Therefore must be factored into readiness. Can also be used during recovery.
CIMS principles
Common structures, roles, responsibilities Common terminology Modular and scalable - flexibility Responsive to community needs Integrated response coordination Consolidated action planning Integrated information management and comms Resource coordination Designated response facilities Manageable span of control
CIMS divides tasks and responsibilities into 7 functions. What are they.
Control Intell Planning Operations Logistics PIM Welfare
Incident Management Team includes; (3)
Response Mgr
Technical experts with knowledge relevant to the incident
Risk advisors
Scaling responses - considerations (3)
Safety of response personnel
Size and complexity of the incident
Span of control
When is an EOC activated
Several incident responses at different sites
Off site coordination and support are required
Coordinate multi agency or multi incident responses
What does an effective action plan consist of
Integrates all agencies
Increases situational awareness
Coordinates activities towards a common goal
Reduces risk, duplication and conflicting actions
Action plan can be updated, changes should be highlighted.
S.36 Principles underlying the role of emergency services;
1 Ensure that planning encompasses the 4 R’s and enables an effective response to all emergencies.
2 Senior officer who has authority to coordinate activities and who is appointed by CE or national commander of each emergency service to liaise with national controller and at the CDEM level a senior officer assigned to the coordinating executive group of each CDEM group.
3 Use CIM framework
4 Ensure that responsibility of each service for its primary functions is not transferred or modified.
5 Liaise with and act within the coordination and direction of the national controller.
6 Request a declaration of a state of emergency for an affected area via local group or national controller.
7 Notify the CE or national commander of the emergency that a liaison has been established.
8 Plan for and provide welfare support to staff.
9 Participate in readiness planning.
NZP functions (national civil defence emergency management plan and policing act) s.37
Keep peace Maintain public safety Law enforcement Crime prevention Community support and reassurance National security Participation in policing activities outside NZ Emergency mgmt
NZP objectives s.38
Minimise the consequences of an emergency on individuals and the community by carrying out the functions of NZP under the policing act.
S.40 Role of NZP during reduction and readiness
Business continuity plans so that normal functions continue.
Plans id key risks, prioritise business, plan for continuance of usual business, provide for redeployment.
Emergency and command planning.
Multi agency emergency planning.
Emergency mgmt plan;
Early control of scene
Ops HQ
Callout of sufficient personnel
Basic procedures for dealing with an emergency
Liaison at appropriate level of response
Regularly test and exercise response arrangements and participate in National CDEM exercise programme
S.41 Role of NZP during response and recovery
Maintain functions of the NZP.
Assist with the dissemination of warning messages.
Assist with the movement of rescue, medical, fire and other essential services.
Coordinate movement control over land, including communications and traffic control.
Conduct category 1 SAR operations
Conduct category 2 SAR operations
Carry out DVI
Control access to and within affected area so as to assist rescue, medical, fire and other essential services.
Conduct any initial evacuations to ensure protection of life.
Coordinate inquiries to assist family to make contact with each other.
Trace missing persons and notify NOK
Assist coroner as required by Coroners Act
Support controllers at the national, CDEM group and local levels and when requested appoint police liaison officers to the NCMC ECC and EOC.
Types of declaration - state of emergency
State of national emergency
Local state of emergency
Stages involved in the declaration of a state of emergency
1 District Commanders should commence an early liaison with regional CDEM Group EOC staff in the event of an impending or developing emergency likely to be outside of or beyond the scope of combined emergency services response.
2 Where emergency is beyond scope of emergency services DC may request the CDEM group to provide support and/or declare a state of emergency.
3 Local controllers kept informed of all related activities undertaken by Police during a state of emergency.
4 The National Manager; Response and Operations, PNHQ, must be notified when a state of emergency is declared.