Chapter 10 Flashcards
Interpersonal Conflict definition
Interpersonal conflict
Intergroup conflict
Conflict within a person
Conflict between two people
Conflict between groups
Functional conflict
Dysfunctional conflict
Class notes
5 causes of conflict
Task interdependence Incomparable goals Personality difference Communication problems Limited resources
5 ways to manage conflict
Change the structure Change composition Create common enemy Consider majority rule Problem solve
3 views of conflict (1)
- Traditional View of Conflict (1930s-1940s)
The belief that all conflict is harmful and must be avoided.
•Poor communication
•Lack of openness
•Failure to respond to employee needs
Conflict views (2)
- Human Relations View of Conflict (late 1940s - mid-1970s)
The belief that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group.
Conflict view (3)
- Interactionist View of Conflict (current)
The belief that conflict is not only a positive force in a group but that it is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively.
What has happened with the view of conflict over time?
5 conflict handling style
When should you use them?
Conflict Handling Styles
Avoidance-The desire to withdraw from or suppress a conflict.
Accommodation- willingness of one party in a conflict to place the opponent’s interests above his or her own.
Collaboration-A situation in which the parties to a conflict each desire to satisfy fully the concerns of all parties.
Competition-A desire to satisfy one’s interests, regardless of the impact on the other party to the conflict.
Compromise-A situation in which each party to a conflict is willing to give up something.
5 phases of negotiation
Investigation Determine you BATNA Presentation Bargaining Closure
What is BATNA
B est A lternative T o a N egotiated A greement
Helps you decide whether or not ot accept an offer or not
The Distributive view and the Integrative view of negotiation.
Distr. view- traditional fixed pie approach in which negotiators see the situation as a pie that they have to divide amongst them.
Integrity. View-an approach to negotiate in which both parties look for ways to integrate their goals under a large umbrella
Common negot. Mistakes
Failing to negotiate/accept the first offer
Unrealistic expectations
Letting the past neg. effect the present… failur in the past doesn’t mean the future is successful
Ego gets in the way
Getting overly emotional
3rd party options
Mediations- not legally binding (preferred method)
Arbitration-judge appointed and by law that is what you are stuck with.
Arbritation/mediation- combo where mediator is first, but arbitrator works in background so if mediation fails arb. Is ready with resolution.
Two different negotiation strategies
Distributive approach- negotiator sees problem as a pie that needs to be divided amongst parties (somebody is gonna lose and someone is going to win)
Integrative approach- a collaborative approach where the pie is made bigger. By integrating their goals under a larger umbrella so everyone will be a winner. (Win win approach)
Tips negotiation success
Focus on agreement 1st Be patient Whose reality Know deadlines Be comfortable with silence