Chapter 10 Flashcards
In the wake of the War of 1812, younger Republicans like Henry Clay and John Calhoun:
Continued to support agrarianism, but believed that the nation’s economic independence required a manufacturing sector
Women writers benefited from:
The growth of the reading public, part of the democratization of American life
As president, John Tyler
Vetoed a bill to create a new national bank, thus angering Whigs
How does the Bank War demonstrate that Andrew Jackson enhanced the power of the presidency?
He identified himself as the symbolic representative of all the people with his veto message that appealed directly to the public
John Quincy Adams’s vision included all of the following EXCEPT:
States’ rights
In its decision in McCulloch v. Maryland, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:
The Second Bank of the United States was constiutional
By the 1830s, the term “citizen” in America had become synonymous with the right to:
The term “Era of Good Feelings” refers to the period of American history when:
There seemed to be political harmony during the Monroe administration
Whigs wanted the government involved in all of the following EXCEPT:
Restricting corporations
Whose 1840 presidential campaign portrayed him as a common man who was born in a log cabin and liked to drink hard cider?
William Henry Harrison
The national political parties of the second American party system were:
Democrats and Whigs
In the presidential election of 1840:
The Whigs employed political tactics pioneered by Democrats
The nullification crisis:
Involved the fears of some slaveholders that the federal government might take action against slavery
The Panic of 1837
Was caused, in part, by a decline in British demand for American cotton
During Jackson’s presidency, most Democrats did all of the following EXCEPT:
Speak out against presidential use of the veto
Both Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams suggested that the Missouri controversy of 1820-1821:
Revealed a sectional divide that potentially threatened the Union
By 1840, approximately ____ percent of adult white men were eligible to vote
In the presidential election of 1824, who received the most votes but failed to win a majority of either the popular or electoral votes (requiring the House of Representatives to select a president)?
Andrew Jackson
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 1832 Worcester v. Georgia decision
Supported the right of the Cherokee people to maintain a separate political identity
Which of the following statements about Martin Van Buren is FALSE?
A graduate of Harvard, he was known for his sterling intellectual accomplishments
By 1860, free black men could vote on the same basis as whites only in:
Five New England states
The key insight of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Tocqueville on Democracy was that:
American democracy really represented an important cultural shift
In the 1830s, Andrew Jackson believed all of the following about the Second Bank of the United States EXCEPT that:
The Bank did not allow issuance of enough paper money to meet national demand
Which of the following did NOT happen during the election of 1828?
Andrew Jackson challenged Henry Clay to a duel for having engineered his defeat in the “corrupt bargain” of 1824
The nullification crisis ended:
With a compromise tariff
Many of the members of Jackson’s Kitchen Cabinet, as his group of close advisers was known, were:
Newspaper editors
Andrew Jackson’s inauguration was:
A large, rowdy event
Who was the president of the Second Bank of the United States in 1832?
Nicholas Biddle
Democrats in the 1830s generally believed that:
New corporate enterprises were suspicious
Who wrote Exposition and Protest and emerged by the early 1830s as the most prominent spokesman for the right of nullification?
John C. Calhoun
In the early to mid-nineteenth century, property qualifications for voting:
Continued in Virginia because large slaveholders dominated the state’s politics
Why was a second Missouri Compromise necessary?
Missouri’s state constitution barred free blacks from entering the state
The practice of giving a political office to someone based on party loyalty is called:
The Spoils system
“Hard money” in the 1830s referred to:
Gold and silver, also called “specie.”
Which is NOT true about the Whigs?
Their strongest support came from the lower Northwest and the southern backcountry
By the time of Jackson’s presidency, politics:
Often emphasized individual politicians with mass followings and popular nicknames
Which Indian nation fought a war with the U.S. army from 1835 to 1842 to resist removal to the West?
The controversy over Peggy Eaton:
Helped to enhance Martin Van Buren’s influence during the Jackson administration
In his Cherokee Nation v. Georgia opinion, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that:
Indians were wards of the federal government
What was the President Martin Van Buren’s new soltuion to the problem of what to do about the federal government’s relationship to banking?
He proposed that federal funds be controlled b government officials rather than by bankers
The Dorr War:
Divided Rhode Islanders over the issue of expanding voting rights for white men
In the first half of nineteenth century, paper money:
Promised to pay the bearer on demand a specific amount of gold or silver
The Second Bank of the United States was created:
By Congress in 1816,with the support of President Madison
In response to the demand for internal improvements, President James Madison
Called for a constitutional amendment to empower the federal government to build roads and canals
The Monroe Doctrine:
Declared the Americas off-limits for further European colonization
Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820:
The remaining Louisiana Purchase territory was divided into slave and free zones
Who argued in a famous debate with South Carolina’s Robert Hayne that the people, not the states, created the Constitution?
Daniel Webster
The independence movements in Latin America between 1810 and 1822:
Paralleled in some ways the independence movement that created the United States
The Force Act of 1833
Gave the president authority to use military personnel to collect tariffs
Henry Clay was charged with orchestrating a “corrupt bargain” during the 1824 election so that he could become:
Secretary of state
As president, John Quincy Adams proposed a comprehensive plan for an activist state, which called for all of the following EXCEPT:
Free homesteads for settlers on western public lands
The Panic of 1819:
Prompted some states to suspend debt collections, which helped debtors but hurt creditors
A primary reason that both women and blacks were largely excluded from the expansion of democracy was:
That both groups were viewed as being naturally incapable and thus unfit for suffrage
Which of the following is NOT true of John Quincy Adams?
He was a firm believer in strict construction of the Constitution