Chapter 1 Flashcards
The first center of the Spanish empire in America
Was the island of Hispaniola
What motivated the Portuguese to begin exploration to find a water route to India, China, and the East Indies?
To eliminate the Muslim “middlemen” in the luxury goods trade
Far more important to most Indian societies than freedom as personal independence were all of the following EXCEPT
Secure rights to owning land
In Europe on the eve of colonization, one conception of freedom, called “Christian liberty,”
Mingled ideas of freedom with servitude to Jesus Christ- Concepts that were seen as mutually reinforcing
The city situated along the Mississippi River with between 10,000 and 30,000 residents in the year 12000 is today known as?
Which statement about the indians about the indians of North West is FALSE?
Indians lacked genuine religion
Under English law in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, women…
Surrendered their legal identities when they married
Which of the following is true of Spain’s explorations of the New World?
Florida was the first region in the present-day U.S. that Spain colonized
Which one of the following is true of religion in seventeenth-century Europe?
Religious uniformity was though to be essential to public order
What role did religion play in Columbus’s explorations?
Catholics in Spain and Italy supported his expeditions they wanted to end Muslim control of the eastern trade.
Acoma was an Indian city in present day ______ that the spanish destroyed
New Mexico
Alarmed by the destructiveness of the conquistadores, the Spanish crown replaced them with a more stable system of government headed by?
Lawyers and bureaucrats
Which one of the following statements about African slavery within Africa is FALSE?
Only men were taken for the slave trade
What geographic error did Columbus make?
He grossly underestimated the size of the earth
Europeans- particularly the English, French, and Ducth-generally claimed North American Indian land as their own based on?
Their view that indians did not used the land properly
The ritual sacrifices practiced by the Aztecs
Disgusted Europeans despite their own practices of publicly executing executing criminals and burning witches at the stake
How did Spain justify enslaving Native Americans?
The Spanish believed that enslavement could liberate Native Americans from their backwardness and savagery and introduce them to Christian civilization
According to Bartolome de Las Casas
Spain had caused the deaths of millions of innocent people in the New World
Which European city was known in the early seventeenth century as a haven for persecuted Protestants from all over Europe and even for Jews fleeing Spain?
Exploring the North American interior in the 1500’s, _____ was the first European to encounter the immense herds of buffalo that roamed the Great Plains
Francisco Vasquez do Coronado
Native American religious ceremonies
Were related to the Native American belief that sacred spirits could be found in living and inanimate things
Europeans tened to think which one of the following about Native Americans and their cultures?
Native Americans failed to make use of the land, so it was acceptable for Europeans to take it and use it
Which statement about gender relations is FALSE for most Native Americans societies?
Tribal leaders were almost always women
Which one of the following was NOT true of women in Native American societies?
Women made all decisions about trade relations with other tribes
Before the arrival of Columbus, Native North Americans
Had elaborate trade networks
Which statement about the Pueblo Revolt is FALSE?
It was inspired by the Pope, but he died before the actual revolt took place
In 1517, the German priest _______ began the Protestant Reformation by posting his Ninety-Five Theses, which accused the Catholic Church of worldliness and corruption
Martin Luther
The Spanish set up outposts from Florida to South Carolina in part because…
Spanish missionaries hoped to convert local Native Americans to Christianity
How did Native Americans conceive of property?
Families might use a specific plot of land for a season
Which one of the following is true of Spanish emigrants to the New World?
Many of the early arrivals came to direct Native American labor
In 1492, the Native American population
Lived mostly in Central and South America
Which European country dominated international commerce in the early seventeenth century
The Netherlands
Which of the following was NOT a technique that Spanish conquistadores used to conquer Native American empires?
Negotiating treaties
Portuguese trading posts along the western coast of Africa were called factories because
The merchants were known as factors
The Jesuit religious order was particularly influential in?
New France
In approximately 7000 BCE, agriculture developed in the Americas in?
Mexico and Peru
Which one of the following lists the events in proper chronological order, from first to last?
Spain adopts New Laws, Quebec founded, the Dutch settle Manhattan, Pueblo Revolt
In 1519, who became the first European explorer to encounter the Aztec empire?
Hernan Cortes
In 1608, Samuel de Champlain founded
Adam Smith recorded in 1776 that the “two greatest and most important” events in the history of mankind were the?
Discovery of America and the Portuguese sea route around Africa to Asia
How did the Dutch manifest their devotion to liberty?
They supported tolerance in religious matters in their colony
The transatlantic flow of people and goods such as corn, potatoes, horses, and sugarcane is called?
The Columbian Exchange
How did French involvement in the fur trade change life for Native Americans?
The French were willing to accept Native Americans into colonial society
Which one of the following was true of French relations with Native Americans?
Jesuit missionaries tried to convert Native Americans, but gave them far more independence than did Spanish missionaries
The Pueblo Indian uprising of 1680
Helped lead to the most complete victory for Native Americans over Europeans
The Black Legend described
Spain as a uniquely brutal colonizer
The Pueblo Indians encountered by the Spanish in the 16th century
Used irrigation systems to aid their agricultural production
Spanish Florida
Was little more than an isolated military settlement
What does the seal of New Netherland, adopted by the Dutch West India Company in 1630, suggest is central to the colony’s economic prospects?
The Columbian Exchange was?
The transatlantic flow of plants, animals, and germs that began after Christopher Columbus reached the New World
French Canada
Consisted mainly of male colonists
Pueblo Indians lived in what is now
The southwestern US
Before the transatlantic slave trade began, approximately 100,000 African slaves were transported between 1450 and 1500 to
Portugal and Spain
“Coverture” refers to
A woman surrendering her legal identity when she marries
The New Laws of 1542
Commanded that Indians no longer be enslaved in Spanish posesseions
New France was characterized by?
More peaceful European-Indian relations than existed in New Spain
The first French explorations of the New World
Were intended to locate the Northwest Passage
John Cabot sailed to?
Which one of the following statements is true of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan?
It had a complex system of canals, bridges, and dams, with the Great Temple at the center
The reconquista was the reconquest of Spain from the?
Which one of the following is true about Native Americans and material wealth?
Chiefs were expected to share some of their goods rather than hoard them
Why did European exploration of the New Would proceed so rapidly after Columbus’s discoveries?
Gutenberg’s invention of the printing enabled the rapid dissemination of information
As governor of New Netherland, Petrus Stuyvesant
Refused to open practice of religion by Quakers and Lutherans
In England, social inequality
Was part of a hierarchical society
Patroonship in New Netherland
Meant that shareholders received large estates for transporting tenants for agricultural labor
As early as 1615, the ______ people of present day southern Ontario and upper New York State forged a trading alliance with the French, and many of them converted to Catholicism
As colonization began, the European idea of freedom
Included the idea of abandoning sin to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ
Both the Aztec and inca empires were?
Large, wealthy, and sophisticated
Which statement about New Netherland is FALSE?
Women had many liberties, but could not retain their legal identity after marriage
When Europeans arrived, many Native Americans
Tried to use them to enhance their standing with other Native Americans
The government of the Spanish empire in America
Included local officials who held a great deal of control
The Spanish justified their claim to land in the New World through all of the following EXCEPT
Defeating the English fleet in 1588
Which one of the following is true of agriculture in Spanish America?
Spain introduced wheat as a crop
The first permanent European settlement in the Southwest, established in 1610, was?
Santa Fe
Bartolome de Las Casas argued that Indians
Should enjoy “all guarantees of liberty and justice” as subjects of Spain
Amerigo Vespucci
Helped to correct Columbus’s theory that he had found a route to Asia
Henry Hudson
Hoped to find the Northwest Passage to Asia
Which of the following is true of freedom in New Netherland?
Married women retained a legal identity separate from that of their husbands
Slavery in Africa
Involved the enslavement of criminals, debtors, and war captives
Which one of the following statements about Spanish America is true?
Over time, Spanish America evolved into a hybrid culture-part Spanish, part Indian, and, in some areas, part African
The repartimiento system established by the Spanish in the mid-1500s
Recognized Indians as free but required them to perform a fixed amount of labor
In their relations with Native Americans, the Dutch
Concentrated more on economics than religious conversion
Which one of the following is true of New France?
Its population was limited at best, because France feared that a significant emigration would undermine its role as a great European power
The Spanish empire in America
Was unlike the French and English New World empires, a mostly urban civilization