chapter 10 Flashcards
Election of 1824 candidates and outcome
end of era of good feelings.
Jackson received popular vote but did not secure a majority. he also led in the electoral but didi not get the required amount of them. so it went into the hands of the house of representatives. John Adams won by receiving states votes.
John Quincy Adams’s presidency
considered somewhat innefective other than improvements of roads canals and national university.
Creek Indian treaties and conflicts
treaty of fort Jackson
indian springs
indian removal act
closed meeting of party members to select candidates
Clay’s plan supporting National Bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements
American System
claimed deal between Adams and Clay during 1824 election
corrupt bargain:
Explain why Andrew Jackson lost the election of 1824 despite having the most popular and electoral votes.
corrupt bargan
no electoral majority
decision moved to house of representatives which put the election in John Adams favor.
How did Adams handle the Creek Indian treaty situation? What does this tell us about his leadership?
he declared the treaty illigitamite.
negotiated a new treaty
and avoided military force.
jackson founded the Democrats and John Adams founded the Republican with Henry clay in response.
Formation of new political parties
emergence of mudslinging
Election of 1828 campaign tactics
indian removal act
bank war
nullification crisis
spoils system
opposition to internal movements
Jackson’s presidency and policies
law passed by congress in 1830 declaring that indians who left their lands east of the missisipi river would be given lands west of the river with costs payed by the national government
- Indian Removal Act and Trail of Tears
spreading negative information about opponents
- mudslinging
giving government jobs to loyal supporters
- Trail of Tears: forced relocation of Cherokee Indians
spoils system
forced relocation of Cherokee Indians
Trail of Tears
: Jackson’s informal group of advisors
Kitchen Cabinet
Compare and contrast the Democratic Party and National Republican Party of 1828.
democratic part: limited federal government and oppsoed the national bank.
Republican: favored a strong federal government internal improvments and a national bank.
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Jackson’s spoils system.
the spoil system was bad and good because he hired loyal over rather than qualified.
Describe the events leading up to the Trail of Tears and its impact on the Cherokee people.
signed the act then
Worcester v georgia
then the forced removal
caused 4000 Cherokee deaths, lost their homeland and culture
Northwest Ordinance Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions End of Atlantic slave trade Missouri Compromise Tariff of 1828 Nat Turner’s Rebellion Nullification crisis End of slavery in British colonies Texas …
- Nullification crisis
debate between Jackson and memebrs of the second bank of Jackson opposing it.
- National Bank controversy
whether slavery would be allowed in the new territories forming as the nation expanded westward
- States’ rights issues
a tariff imposed principally to raise government revenue rather than to protect domestic industries.
- revenue tariff
tax to protect American industries
protective tariff:
state banks chosen to receive government funds
= pet banks:
state’s right to reject federal laws
Explain why the North and South had different views on tariffs.
Southern states such as South Carolina contended that the tariff was unconstitutional and were opposed to the newer protectionist tariffs, as they would have to pay, but Northern states favored them because they helped strengthen their industrial-based economy.
emerged in the 1830s in opposition to U.S. president Andrew Jackson, pulling together former members of the National Republican Party, the Anti-Masonic Party, and disaffected Democrats.
- Rise of the Whig Party
Democrat Martin Van Buren won the 1836 presidential election, defeating several candidates from the newly formed Whig Party. The Whigs ran three regional candidates, including William Henry Harrison, in a failed effort to deny Van Buren an electoral majority.
- Election of 1836
was the eighth President of the United States (1837-1841), after serving as the eighth Vice President and the tenth Secretary of State, both under President Andrew Jackson
- Van Buren presidency
political party opposing Jackson
- Whigs:
economic crisis during Van Buren’s presidency
- Panic of 1837:
time between election and leaving office
- lame-duck period:
settled border dispute with Britain
- Webster-Ashburton Treaty:
- Compare and contrast the political views of the Whigs and Democrats.
whigs: supported a strong central government. favored protectionism and advocated for a national bank, led by Henry clay, William Henry harrison, Daniel Webster.
democrats: led by Andrew Jackson, were more wanting states rights and limited federal government. opposed high tarrifs
agreed on a division of disputed territory, giving 7,015 square miles to the United States and 5,012 to Great Britain; agreed on the boundary line through the Great Lakes to the Lake of the Woods; and agreed on provisions for open navigation in several bodies of water.
- Describe the significance of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.
how did jackson’s presidency impact the economy
the economy endured a bout of inflation—with prices rising 28 percent from 1833 to 1836, which critics of Jackson attributed to the easy-money policies of the banking sector, which was no longer required to practice sound money policies because the BUS was no longer there to rein it in. specie circular.