ch 12 Flashcards
trappers and travels who were normally the first white people to arrive in western areas
mountain men
belief of many that it was the country’s fate or destiny or that God intended for the country to have all the western lands to the Pacific ocean
manifest destiny
abandoned mission in San Antonio where Texans were defeated by Santa Anna in 1836
an 1836 suprise attack to avenge the defeated at the Alamo led by sam Houston
Battle of San jacinto
name for the Republic of Texas between when it won independence from mexico and when it became a state.
lone star republic
the war between the United States and ,mexico from 1846-48
Mexican war
name of California while it was an independent country for less than a month under john c Fremont.
bear flag republic
officially ended the Mexican war made the Rio grande the southern border of Texas and added the Mexican cession to the united states
treaty if guadalupe hidalgo
land the united states gained from mexico as a result of the Mexican war California Nevada utah and parts of Wyoming Colorado Arizona New Mexico
Mexican cession
narrow strip of land on the border of New Mexico and Arizona purchased for 10 million dollars in 1853
Gadsden purchase
first American route west of the Missouri river primarily a trade route
Santa fe trail
most important route for settlers and missionaries going west from the eastern part of the United States toward orgean.
Oregon trail
also called the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints religion started by Joseph Smith and continued by bringham young settled salt lake city Utah.
the Mormons trek to the great salt lakeca
Mormon trail
most popular trail to California
California trail
rapid influx of people seeking gold after its discoverey in California in 1848
California gold rush
people who came to search for gold in 1849
forty niners
an attempt to resolve the dispute over slavery allowing California to be a free state, dividing the remainder of the mexican cesscian into a new Mexico and Utah territories where citizens could decide by popular sovereignty weather to permit slavery implementing a stricter fugitive slave law and outlawing slave trade in Washington dc
compromise of 1850
the process of allowing citizens to decide if they wanted to permit slavery,
popular sovereignty