chapter 10 Flashcards
Wat word per koerier afgelaai?
(What is dropped off by courier?)
- ‘n Koevert met die woorde: “Miskien sal dit jou help om die Baker op te spoor.”(An envelope with the words: “Perhaps this will help you track down the Baker.”)
Noem twee artikels wat in die pakkie is.
(Name two articles that are in the package.)
- Die twee artikels in die pakkie is die koevert en ‘n notaboek.(The two articles in the package are the envelope and a notebook.)
Wat staan in die brief? Waarom is die boodskap, volgens jou, so vreemd?
(What is in the letter? Why do you think the message is so strange?)
- “Miskien sal dit jou help om die Baker op te spoor.” Dis vreemd omdat dit beteken dat iemand anders dan die waarheid weet. 4. Dit lyk of dit deur vuur beskadig is.(“Maybe it will help you track down the Baker.” It’s strange because it means that someone else then knows the truth. 4. It appears to have been damaged by fire.)
Die artikel is erg beskadig. Wat kon dit moontlikveroorsaakhet?(The article is badly damaged. What could possibly have caused it?)
dit lyk of dit deur vuur beskadig is (it appears to have been damaged by fire)
Wat dui die diagram moontlik aan?
(What does the diagram possibly indicate?)
- Veel later vind Greg uit dat die diagram lyk soos die chemiese struktuur vir Mandrax.(Much later, Greg finds out that the diagram resembles the chemical structure for Mandrax.)
Waarvan raak Greg, deur middel van Plank, bewus? Motiveerjouantwoord.(What does Greg become aware of, through Plank? Justify your answer.)
- Plank stel Greg in kennis dat sy woonstel dopgehou word.( Plank informs Greg that his apartment is being watched.)