Chapter 1 and prologue Flashcards
Xander was elf jaar oud. In watter toestand vind hy sy pa in die studeerkamer?(Xander was eleven years old. In what condition does he find his father in the study?)
- Sy pa was in ‘n ontstelde toestand. Hy het gehuil en daar was ‘n 9mm-pistool op die tafel.(His father was in an upset state. He was crying and there was a 9mm pistol on the table.)
Hoe het Xander die situasie in die studeerkamer geinterpreteer? Motiveer jou antwoord.(How did Xander interpret the situation in the study? Motivate your answer.)
- Xander het geweet dat dit ‘n ernstige situasie was en dat daar rede tot kommer was.(Xander knew that this was a serious situation and that there was cause for concern.)
Hoekom was sy pa in hierdie toestand? Lees die boek en keer terug na hierdie vraag.
(Why was his father in this condition? Read the book and come back to this question.)
- Die pa was deel van ‘n misdaadsindikaat. Alles was besig om op die lappe te kom. Hy was bang vir sy gesin en het geweet dat hulle lewens onherroeplik kon verander or
hy was in ‘n misdaad en hy is bang, want hy weet dat sy familie vir altyd kan verander(The father was part of a crime syndicate. Everything was falling apart. He feared for his family and knew that their lives could change irrevocably.)
Ses maande later het die pa ‘n besoek gekry. Wie was dit en wie het hulle gestuur?
(Six months later the father got a visit. Who was it and who sent them?)
- ‘Dok’ het twee van sy handlangers gestuur om ‘n besoek by Xander se pa af te lê.(‘Doc’ sent two of his henchmen to pay a visit to Xander’s father.)
Watter opdrag het die pa aan Xander gegee?
(What order did the father give to Xander?)
- Die pa het vir Xander gesê hy moet gaan wegkruip.(The father told Xander to go and hide.)
Wat is die simboliek van ‘n slang in die Bybel volgens die Christen- en Joodse tradisies?
(What is the symbolism of a snake in the Bible according to the Christian and Jewish traditions?)
- Die slang is ‘n simbool van ‘n verraaier. Dit simboliseer ook die bose.(The snake is a symbol of a traitor. It also symbolizes evil.)
Kan die simbool net as negatief gesien word? (slang)
(Can the symbol only be seen as negative?)
- Dit het slegs ‘n negatiewe konnoktasie.(It only has a negative connotation.)
Waarom gee die huis vir Greg so ‘n swaar gevoel? Waarom is die volgende oggend ‘n nuwe begin vir hom?
(Why does the house give Greg such a heavy feeling? Why is the next morning a new beginning for him?)
- Depressie hang in die lug. Daar is soveel aaklige herinneringe in daardie huis. Greg begin ‘n nuwe hoofstuk in sy lewe deur op Stellenbosch Universiteit te gaan studeer.( Depression hangs in the air. There are so many horrible memories in that house. Greg starts a new chapter in his life by going to study at Stellenbosch University.)
Wanneer is’n mens, volgens die Meksikane, finaal dood?(When, according to the Mexicans, is a person finally dead?)
- ‘n Mens is finaal dood wanneer mense jou vergeet(You are finally dead when people forget you)