chapter 1 - what is organizational behavior? Flashcards
OB focuses on
individuals and groups in organizations.
are people with organizations who get things done.
They contribute (as individuals, members or teams etc.) to the accomplishment of goals.
gig economy
New era of work following the turn of the millennium. Outside a full-time employees’ role, nonstandard work arrangements are much more common in today’s day and age, with many people working as contract workers, independent contractors, freelancers or temporary workers.
the most characteristic of managers it that they get things done through OTHER people.
They make decisions, allocate resources, and direct others’ activities to ATTAIN a goal.
a consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals.
Managers’ work can be categorized into four different activities: (on exam)
(manager’s work) planning
A process that includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities,
(on exam) (manager’s work) organizing
determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom and where decisions are to be made.
When managers design their work unit’s structure
(on exam) (manager’s work) leading
a function that includes motivating employees, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels and resolving conflicts
Coordinating people and motivating/directing/resolving conflicts
(on exam) (manager’s work) controlling
monitoring activities to ensure that they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.
Monitoring, comparing and potential correcting
(on exam) who is henry mintzberg, how many roles/behaviors in an organization and what are they primarily (3)?
(prominent management scholar) undertook a careful study of executives early in his career to determine what they did on their jobs.
Concluded that managers perform ten roles or set behaviors thus serving a critical function in organizations
These roles are primarily interpersonal, informational or decisional
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (interpersonal) FIGUREHEAD
symbolic head; required to perform a number of routine duties of a legal or social nature (EX: when the president of a college hands out degrees or high school tour)
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (interpersonal) LEADER
responsible for the motivation and direction of employees (EX: hiring, training, motivating)
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (interpersonal) LIASION
maintains a network of outside contracts who provide favors and information (EX: sales manager who obtains info from quality-control manager in own company has internal liaison relationship)
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (informational) MONITOR
receives a wide variety of information; serves as the nerve center of internal and external information of the organization. (EX: scan the news media and talk to others to learn about the public’s taste and what competitors may be planning:
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (informational) DISSEMINATOR
to transmit information received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization.
“managers perform a spokesperson role when representing the organization to outsiders”
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (informational) SPOKESPERSON
Transmits information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions, and results; serves as expert on organization’s industry (EX:managers who represent the organizations to outsiders).
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (decisional) ENTREPRENEUR
searches organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change (EX: initiate and oversee new projects to improve performance)
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (decisional) DISTURBANCE HANDLER
Responsible for corrective action when organization faces important, unexpected disturbances (EX:corrective action in response to unforeseen problems)
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (decisional) RESOURCE ALLOCATOR
makes or approves significant organizational decisions (EX: allocating human, physical and monetary resources)
(on exam) henry mintzberg managerial roles: (decisional) NEGOTIATOR
responsible for representing the organization at major negotiations (EX:discuss issues and bargain with other units internal or external to gain advantages for their unit).
(on exam) (manager skills) technical skills
encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise. When you think of the skills of professionals such as civil engineers or oral surgeons, you typically focus on technical skills.
(on exam) (manager skills) people skills
The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate and support other people, both individually and in groups, defines people skills.
Good listening skills too and empathetic
(on exam) (manager skills) conceptual skills
The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations. Decision making then choosing a course of action to organize a plan and then execute it. Integrate new ideals with existing processes are important too.
(on exam) effective vs successful managerial activities: fred luthan and his associates’ managerial activities
how most managers engaged in managerial activities:
Traditional management: decision making, planning and controlling (32%)
Communication: exchanging routine information and paperwork (29%)
Human Resources Management: motivating, discipling, managing conflict, staffing and training (20%)
Networking: socializing, politicking and interacting with outsiders (19%)
(on exam) organizational behavior defined
is a field of study investigating the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within organizations to apply such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.
Individuals, groups and structure
OB is focused on employment-related situations
systematic study
looking at relationships, attempting to attribute causes and effects, and drawing conclusions based on scientific evidence.
evidence-based management (EBM)
Basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence.
EBM argues that managers should do the same (like doctors that make decisions about patient care based on latest evidence) thinking more scientifically about management problems.
The vast majority of management decisions are made on the fly without evidence. Many go with their gut.
psychology and its contribution to OB
Psychology: seeks to measure, explain and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals’ behavior.
Psychology’s contributions have been principally at the individual or micro level of analysis. Other disciplines contributed to our understanding of macro concepts such as group processes and organization.
affective revolution
the study of emotions and moods in the study of OB
social psychology
an area of psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology to focus on the influence of people on one another.
Change - how to implement it and reduce barriers to its acceptance.
Measuring, understanding and changing attitudes
the study of people in relation to their social environment or culture.
Sociologists have contributed to OB by studying group behaviors in organizations. Formula and complex organizations.
the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities.
Fundamental values, attitudes and behavior among people in different countries and organizations.
contingency variables
situational factors or variable that moderate the relationship between two or more variables
X leads to y but only under conditions specified in Z
workforce diversity
the heterogeneous characteristics of organizations, work groups and teams that recognize that their workers vary in gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other characterisics.
workforce inclusion
focuses on creating and maintaining workplaces that support and leverage their members’ diversity.
An inclusive workplace is one in which workers feel that they are involved in critical processes, feel welcomed and valued and are treated as “insiders.”
a person who works outside their native country
Transferred to your employer;s operating division in another country.
unethical behavior
any action that violates widely accepted moral norms (lying, cheating, stealing etc.).
counterproductive work behaviors (cwb)
behaviors that actively damage the organization. Not all unethical behaviors are counterproductive. EX: an entrepreneur may lie to potential clients but this would HELP their organization.
corporate social responsibility (csr)
are an organization’s self-regulated actions to benefit society or the environment beyond what is required by law.
has a larger effect on discretionary behaviors like ocb and deviance
Practice this in several ways: environmental sustainability initiatives, nonprofit work, volunteering, charitable giving and HR practices such as sustainability training and development.
Better worker attitudes, turnover intentions, and performance
(on exam) a basic ob model has
inputs –> processes –> outcomes (–> inputs)
(on exam) inputs (ob model)
are variables like personality, group structure and organizational culture that lead to processes.
individual level: diversity, personality, values
group level: group structure, group roles, team responsibilities
organizational level: structure and culture
These variables set the stage for what will occur in an organization later.
EX: personality is shaped by genetic inheritance and childhood environment
(on exam) processes (ob model)
are actions that individuals, groups and organizations engage in as result of inputs and that lead to certain outcomes.
Individual level: emotions, moods, motivation, perception and decision making.
Group level: communication, leadership, power and politics
Organizational level: HR management and change practices
(on exam) outcomes (ob model)
are key factors that are affected by other variables
Individual levels: attitudes, stress, task performance, citizenship and withdrawal behavior
Group: cohesion and functioning are dependent variables
Organizational: productivity and survival
organizational citizenship behavior (ocb)
discretionary behavior that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace.
voluntary terminations (quitting), involuntary terminations by employer (layoffs or discharges) and involuntary terminations with cause (firing).
High levels mean high levels of leaving
employability skills matrix (ESX)
Tool to map required and desired skills for a team or project. Help you develop specific skills employers are looking for.
3 interpersonal roles and define
figurehead - symbolic head
leader - motivates employees
liaison - maintains network for favors and info
3 informational roles and define
monitor - receives info internally and externally from org
disseminator - transmits info from outsiders to members of org
spokesperson - transmits info to outsiders
4 decisional roles and define
disturbance handler - responsible for corrective actions
entrepreneur - searches org and environment for opportunity and makes projects
resource allocator - makes/approves organizational decisions
negotiator - represents the organization at major negotiations