Chapter 1 - 3 Quiz 1 Review Flashcards
What is Homeostasis?
- Maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment
o Environmental factors that affect cell
o Materials needed for cells needs
o Factors cells use to communicate with each other
What is the ionic distribution between outside of a cell and inside of a cell?
- Ions have a concentration gradient across membrane. ie: potassium K+ is higher inside and a low concentration outside the membrane
Monounsaturated Fat
Fatty acids with one double bond (Oleic acid)
Polyunsaturated Fat
Fatty acids with two or more double bond (Linoleic acid)
Simple sugars
Ribose, Deoxyribose, Fructose, Glucose, Galactose
Glucose + another monosaccharide
Glucose polymers
Primary Structure of a Protein
the sequence of the amino acid strings
Secondary structure
the covalent bond angles and hoops of the amino acid
What are the Nitrogenous base pairs of DNA
Adenine – Thymine
Guanine – Cytosine
What are the Nitrogenous base pairs of RNA
Adenine – Uracil
Guanine – Cytosine
What makes up a Plasma Membrane?
a ring of phospholipids
What is difference between Cations and Anions?
Cations are positive
Anions are negative
List the different Cations
Sodium Potassium Calcium Hydrogen Magnesium
List the different Anions
I’d Ate an onion with Corn, Bell, Peppers, and Sausage
Covalent Bonds
A bond between atoms when electrons are shared – requiring energy to make or break
What are the two types of covalent bonds?
a. Non-polar – even distribution of electrons
b. Polar – Regions of partial charge. (ie: water)
What is an Ionic Bond?
Electrostatic attraction where opposite charges attract. Atoms lose or gain electrons
Hydrogen Bond
Weak bond that require little energy to break
ie: water surface tension slide
Van der Waals Force
Weak and non-specific attractions (bond) between atoms
Water Molecule
Unequal Sharing of atoms
How is the pH scale read?
- The Lower the pH the more Acidic
- The Higher the pH the more Basic
What is normal human blood pH
pH 7.4
What is the Law of Mass Action?
- When protein binding is at equilibrium, the ration of the bound and unbound components remains constant
Co2+H2o — H2Co3 — HCo3-+H+
What is a Bicarbonate anion?
- (First Responder) Buffer that moderates changes in pH
- Will bind with carbonic acid
What makes up the Intracellular area?
Fluid within cells
What makes up the Extracellular area?
Plasma, Interstitial Fluid
Explain the plasma membrane and its hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts.
made of Phospholipids with heads facing the extracellular and intracellular and lipid tails on the interior of the membrane
Lipids - Phospholipids, Sphingolipids, Cholesterol
Phospholipid structures in aqueous solutions - Bilayer, Micelle, Liposome
- A protective layer on the external surface of a cell made of glycolipids and glycoproteins
What is a cellular inclusion?
- Particles floating in the cytosol
- Ribosomes
- Glycogen
- Lipid Droplets
Plasma membrane
semipermeable membrane made of phosphate and lipid
watery medium in the cell called the cytoplasm
manufactures proteins
Contains the DNA structure chromosomes
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
folded membranes make proteins with ribosomes
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
creates packing vesicles to move things in cell
Golgi Apparatus
modifies protein
breaks down worn out parts in cell
breaks down fatty acids for membranes, and converting hydrogen peroxide to water
powerhouse of ATP
group of microtubules, organizes chromosomes during mitosis
Simple Squamous
Location: blood and lymphatic vessels, air sacs of lungs, lining of the heart
Function: secrets lubricating substance, allows diffusion and filtration
Simple Cuboidal
Location: secretory ducts of small glands, kidney tubules
Function: allows secretion and absorbtion
Simple Columnar
Location: ciliated - bronchi, uterine tubes, uterus
Nonciliated - digestive tract, bladder
Function: allows absorbtion, secretes mucous and enzymes
Stratified Squamous
Location: keratinized (skin); nonkeratinized – Lines the mucous
Function: protection (keratinized – waterproofing)
Stratified Cuboidal
Location: rare – sweat glands
Function: structural reinforcement
Stratified Columnar
Location: ciliated – pharynx, epiglottis, salivary glands
Nonciliated – Urethra
Function: protection and secetion
Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar
Location: trachea, bronchi, nasal cavity (ciliated cells)
Function: secretes mucus which is moved with cilia
Location: Urinary bladder, Renal pelvis, Ureters
Function: allows to stretch and expand
Dense Regular Tissue
connective tissue is mainly made up of collagen fibers. It is found in areas of the body where large amounts of tensile strength are required, like in ligaments, tendons and aponeurosis.
Dense Irregular
Dense woven network of collagen fiber found in the dermis of the skin, in glandular tissue, in the walls of organs, and in the whites of the eyes.