Chapter 1-3 Flashcards
A live ball is live only during a down.
A dead ball can only become live by legal snap or free kick.
A loose ball is not in possession of either team.
If touching the ball causes it to become dead, securing possession of the ball has no significance.
A player loses possession by either a fumble or a muff.
The lines of scrimmage and the neutral zone are established when the ball is declared ready for play.
The neutral zone is established after the snapper has made final adjustment of the ball.
The expanded neutral zone may extend partially into the end zone.
After a snap, the ball remains live until the down ends.
A legal snap must be a quick and continuous backward motion and must be made between the snapper’s legs.
The snapper may not have his free hand on the ground in advance of the ball.
The snapper may lift the ball for lateral rotation, but may not rotate the ball end for end or change the location of the ball.
It is legal for the snapper to adjust the ball so long the axis is parallel to the scrimmage line.
Following adjustment, the snapper may not lift or move the ball other than in a legal snap.
After the ready, once the snapper touches the ball, he may remove both hands from the ball.
If the snapper makes an illegal snap and B66 recovers, the ball belongs to Team B.
In a snap, the ball must leave the hand(s) of the snapper and touch a backfield player or the ground before it touches a Team A lineman.
It is encroachment if the snapper assumes his position over the ball with his head in the neutral zone.
Encroachment may be a live-ball foul.
It is encroachment when B81 breaks the plane of the neutral zone after the ready and just after the snapper has touched the ball.
It is encroachment when following the ready-for-play, A76 assumes a three-point stance with his head in the neutral zone and the snapper has his hands on the ball.
Encroachment cannot occur after the ready-for-play if Team A linemen are still in the huddle even though the snapper has his hands on the ball.
Defensive players are restricted from contacting the ball or the snapper’s hand(s) or arm(s) until the snapper has released the ball.
After the ball is ready-for-play, each offensive player must momentarily be within 15 yards of the ball before the snap.
After the ball is marked ready for play, each player of Team A who participated in the previous down and each substitute for Team must have been, momentarily, between the nine-yard marks before the snap.
A false start is always a dead-ball foul.
When a false start occurs just prior to the snap, the official shall sound his whistle immediately.
Any movement by A7 that stimulates action at the snap is a false start.
A shift designed to cause the defense to encroach is a false start.
An interior lineman in a four-point stance my lift one hand as long as he is set for one second prior to the snap.
After Team A’s five interior lineman have assumed a position on their line with their hand(s) on or near the ground, they may not lift or move their hand(s) unless called off the line to receive new signals.
If B64’s movement on his line causes offensive linemen to move it is a false start on B64.
Shifting to punt formation is always illegal if Team B encroaches.
After leaving the huddle, all members of Team A must stop and be motionless as a unit for at least one second prior to the snap.
There cannot be an illegal shift unless the ball is snapped.
If after Team A is set for one second, A26 goes in motion and during this motion end A82 drops from hands on knees to a three-point stance, only A82 has to set for one second prior to the snap.
A quarterback who has placed his hands under the snapper may not shift.
One of the requirements for an offensive player being on his line of scrimmage is that he must face Team B’s goal line.
One of the requirments for being on the offensive line is that the linesman’s head or foot must break an imaginary plane drawn parallel to the line of scrimmage through the waist of the snapper when the ball is snapped.
The offensive linemen on each side of the snapper may lock his legs with the snapper.
The full exception to the numbering requirement is permitted on any down if either type of scrimmage kick formation is used.
Unless they are in a scrimmage-kick formation, the failure of Team A to thave a least five players on the line numbered 50 to 79 is a foul at the snap.
When the numbering exception is in effect and a pass is thrown from a scrimmage kick formation, it is an illegal forward pass.
Team B players may be anwhere on or behind their line of scrimmage.
A back may wear a jersey numbered 50 through 79.
If observed, an entering substitute with a number identical to a teammate who is on the field should be not be permitted to enter the game.
If a back penetrates the vertical plane through the waistline of his nearest teammate who is on the line, he must be in position to receive the ball if it is snappped between the snapper’s legs and he must receive the snap.
The player in motion at the snap is allowed to be moving parallel to the line of scrimmage.
Illegal motion is a foul at the snap.
An attempt by B to interfere with A’s signals prior to the snap is a live-ball foul.
The down is ended when the runner allows any part of this person, other than hand or foot, to touch the ground.
A loose ball is out of bounds if it touches anything, including a player who is out of bounds.
A foul automaticall causes the ball to become dead.
When a backward pass strikes the ground, the ball becomes dead.
If at the snap a teammate is not in position to kick, the ball becomes dead if the holder catches the snap while he has a knee(s) on the ground.
A place kick holder must rise and lift his knee off the ground in order to throw a backward pass.
The ball becomes dead if place kick holder K21 muffs the snap and he recovers with his knees off the ground and he then touches his knee(s) to the ground while in possession of the ball.
When an illegal forward pass strikes the ground it becomes dead.
When any kick which cannot score breaks Team R’s goal line plane, the ball becomes dead and it is a touchback.
The ball becomes dead when any loose ball is simultaneously caught or recovered by opponents.
A loose ball becomes dead when it touches anything inbounds other than a player, a substitute, a replaced player, an official, authorized equipment or the ground.
When Team R muffs a scrimmage kick beyond the line and Team K recovers there, the ball remains live and Team K may advance.
If any Team K player recovers or catches a free kick, the ball becomes dead.
If a kick try is blocked and the ball is recovered behind the neutral zone, the ball may be advanced by K for a score.
The ball becomes dead and the down is ended when a prosthetic limb comes completely off the runner.