Ch 5 Flashcards
The passing game
To make a catch a player must possess a live ball in flight and return both feet to the ground in bounds.
A pass thrown from Team A’s 20 yard line toward the 22 yard line, but is blown backward by the wind and hits the ground at the 19 yard line is a backward pass
A backward pass is a pass thrown with its initial direction parallel with or toward the runner’s end line.
A passer continues to be a passer until the pass ends or until he moves to participate in the play.
A pass thrown backward out of bounds to stop the clock is an illegal pass.
A third down backward pass, which is simultaneously possessed by opponents, belongs to the defensive team.
A forward pass is legal if it is the first pass thrown by Team A during a scrimmage down with both feet of passer in or behind the neutral zone, before a change of team possession.
Team A is limited to one legal forward pass per down.
If the ball is beyond the neutral zone when it leaves the passer’s hand on a forward pass, it is an illegal pass.
A forward pass has gone beyond the neutral zone if at any time during the pass, some part of the ball is beyond the neutral zone.
A forward pass caught behind the neutral zone by A76, is an illegal forward pass, but the ball remains alive when caught.
A pass thrown forward after a change of possession is an illegal forward pass.
If runner A32 who is beyond the neutral zone intentionally tosses the ball forward, he has thrown an illegal forward pass.
When an illegal forward pass touches the ground, the ball becomes dead.
When the numbering exception is in effect and a pass is thrown from a scrimmage-kick formation, it is an illegal forward pass.
The absence of eligible offensive receiver(s) in the immediate area of an incomplete forward pass is one guideline in determining intentional grounding.
Any forward pass purposely thrown incomplete is an illegal pass.
It is legal to spike the ball to conserve time if Team A is in a shotgun formation at the snap.
If a forward pass touches an official who is in the field of play, the pass is ruled incomplete if it is subsequently caught by any player.
An underhand pitch forward behind the neutral zone from A7 to A32 is an incomplete pass if not caught.
During an illegal forward pass, no pass eligible restrictions apply.
Touching of a forward pass by A81 causes all Team A players to become eligible.
Pass eligibility rules apply equally to legal and illegal forward passes as well as backward passes.
An eligible Team A pass receiver must be either on an end or legally behind his scrimmage line and must be numbered 1-49 or 80-99 at the snap.
Any back or end numbered 50-59 is an ineligible pass receiver at the snap.
The snapper can be an eligible receiver.
Touching of a forward pass by Team B causes all Team A players to become eligible.
A player who is an eligible receiver at the snap becomes ineligible if he goes out of bounds intentionally and returns.
A player who is an eligible receiver at the snap may become ineligible during the down.
If B1 tackles eligible A1 behind the line while the pass is in flight, it is pass interference.
There can be no pass interference or ineligibles downfield if the pass does not cross the neutral zone.
Offensive pass interference is still possible if a legal forward pass is touched by B41 behind the neutral zone.
It is possible for B42 to commit pass interference after the pass has been touched by A81.
Hindering an opponent’s vision without making an attempt to catch the ball is pass interference even if there is no contact.
Contact by a defender that occurs clearly away from where the pass is thrown is not pass interference, but could be another foul.
Ineligibles are restricted from going downfield until a forward pass which goes beyond the neutral zone is thrown.
Ineligible receivers may not legally go beyond the neutral zone until the pass has gone beyond the neutral zone.
On a play where a forward pass crosses the neutral zone, A76 is guilty of being an ineligible receiver downfield if he runs two yards beyond the line and does not block anyone.
If A11’s forward pass is deflected by A82 to A63 behind the neutral zone and A63 catches it, there is no foul.
If a forward pass hits A61 in the back while he is pass blocking behind the neutral zone, such a pass is illegal.
If A7’s forward pass is muffed by A72 behind the neutral zone, the spot of the foul is the spot from which the pass was thrown.
To complete a catch an airborne player must have control of the ball and land with both feet inbounds before stepping or touching out-of-bounds.
If a player possesses the ball while airborne and is driven out-of-bounds by a defensive player prior to touching grounds inbounds, it may be ruled a catch.
If airborne B1 intercepts a pass on B’s two yard line and he first lands in his own end zone, it is a touchback if he is downed there.
After the ball is thrown, as long as the passer is standing still or fading back, no defensive player shall charge into him unless contact is unavoidable.