ch 9 Flashcards
The goal line pylons when properly placed are out of bounds at the intersection of the sideline and the goal line extended.
It is a touchdown for Team A when a live ball in runner A31’s possession breaks the vertical plane of Team B’s goal line.
Team A scores a touchdown any time it possesses a live ball in the opponent’s end zone.
It is a safety if A22’s fumble is declared dead in Team B’s end zone and no player of either team is in possession.
If A33 fumbles the ball into Team B’s end zone, and while the ball is loose there an official blows an inadvertent whistle, it is a touchdown for Team A.
It is a safety if B56 forces A28’s fumble into Team B’s end zone and A12 recovers there.
It is a safety if A1’s fumble on his 5-yard line is recovered by B1 in A’s end zone.
If a try by placekick does not break the plane of R’s goal line, R1 may recover and advance.
If a kick try is blocked and K42 recovers behind the line and runs into the end zone, Team K is awarded two points.
Team B can score on a try.
If a loss of down foul by Team A occurs during a successful try, there is no score and the down is replayed.
A field goal may be scored by a dropkick or placekick, either from scrimmage or during a free kick following a fair catch or awarded fair catch or safety.
If K’s field-goal attempt deflects off K2’s shoulder while he is in the expanded neutral zone, no goal is scored even if the ball passes between the uprights and above the crossbar.
During a field goal attempt, the ball becomes dead if the kick is blocked behind the neutral zone.
If the holder muffs the snap on a field goal attempt and K21 kicks the ball as the holder is attempting to gain possession, it is a field goal if the ball goes through the uprights above the crossbar.
Force is a concern only with ball movement either toward or away from the goal line.
A new force can be given to a fumble after it has touched the ground.
A new force can be added to a kick in flight.
The batting of a forward pass is not considered a new force for judging whether a touchback or safety results.
If R64 blocks K10’s kick on Team K’s eight yard line and the ball rebounds into Team K’s end zone, the change of direction is a new force and when K28 recovers it there, it is a touchback.
A backward pass on Team A’s 20 which is batted in flight by B31 and recovered by A8 in Team A’s end zone is not a safety because of the new force.
The muffing or batting of a pass, kick or fumble in flight is not considered a new force since the original force has not been spent.
When a live ball becomes dead in player possession in that player’s end zone, it is always a safety.
It is a safety if A7 retreats into his end zone and fumbles the ball out of bounds over the end line.
If B25 recovers a scrimmage kick on Team B’s two yard line and his momentum carries him into the end zone and he is downed there, it is Team B’s ball at the two yard line.
If B39 catches a scrimmage kick on his six yard line and his momentum carries him into his end zone and he is tackled there, it is a touchback.
If B24 intercepts a pass on his own three yard line and his momentum carries him into his end zone, it is a touchback if he fumbles the ball across the end line.
If B35 catches a punt on his three yard line and voluntarily carries the ball into his own end zone, the momentum exception does not apply.
It is a touchback if B25 falls down in the end zone after his interception of a pass on his three yard line and his momentum has carried him into the end zone.
The exception momentum does not apply to a free kick.
It is a safety if A7’s backward pass enters the end zone and touches the ground out of bounds behind Team A’s goal line.
It is a touchback if A28 fumbles on Team B’s five yard line and B11’S muff forces the loose ball into Team B’s end zone and out of bounds beyond the end line.
On fourth down, if A8 is in own end zone when he intentionally grounds a forward pass, Team B does not have an option as it must be a safety.
If K1 holds R1 in K’s end zone to prevent R1 from recovering a blocked punt, it will be a safety if R accepts the penalty.
A safety is scored when an offensive player commits any foul for which the penalty is accepted and enforcement is from a spot in his end zone.
On kicks entering Team R’s end zone and becoming dead there, the determination of force dictates whether it is a touchback or a safety.
If K17’s punt is blocked by R71 and strikes the ground and is then forced into Team K’s end zone by R27, it is a touchback if K21 recovers and is downed there.
If A31 fumbles on Team B’s two yard line and the ball rolls through the end zone and over the end line, it is a touchdown for Team A.
It is a touchdown for Team A when A41 fumbles on Team B’s two yard line and B51 touches the ball before it rolls out of bounds beyond the end line.
It is a touchback if A7’s fumble on Team B’s five yard line is recovered by B66 in the end zone.
If B31 intercepts a pass in Team B’s end zone and begins a return but is tackled in the end zone, it is a safety.
The team whose goal is line is involved shall put the ball in play anywhere between the hash marks on its 20 yard line by a snap after a touchback and by a free kick after a safety.