Ch 10 Flashcards
Substitutes and Participation
If a player is injured and his team has fewer than 11 players, the game is immediately forfeited.
If a team on offense only has 10 players on the field, they need not have seven players on the line.
An entering substitute does not become a player for encroachment restrictions until he reaches his team’s side of the neutral zone.
A team member entering the field to fill a player vacancy remains a substitute until he is on his team’s side of the neutral zone.
A substitute becomes a player when he enters the huddle or is positioned in a formation.
Illegal substitution, which occurs simultaneously with the snap, is enforced from the previous spot.
If a replaced Team B player is attempting to leave the field after the snap and A scores a touchdown, the penalty may be enforced on the kickoff.
If substitute B42 enters the field as the 12th player during a down but does not participate or influence the play, it is a nonplayer foul.
It is a foul if A12 replaces A11 and A11 does not begin to leave the field until five seconds after A12 arrives in the huddle.
If a substitute enters the huddle, but the replaced player does not leave within three seconds, it is a dead-ball illegal participation foul.
It is a foul if the huddle breaks two seconds after A12 enters the huddle and before any player begins to leave the field.
During a dead ball, no more than two players from either team may enter the game unless there was a change of possession or a charged timeout.
A substitute who goes on the field, but is unable to complete the substitution prior to the ball becoming live, may return to his team box legally, provided he leaves the field on his team box side and is off the field when the ball is snapped.
A player may be withdrawn and reenter during the same dead ball interval in the opponents take a charged timeout.
If A81 is replaced by A82 following a down, he may not return during the same dead-ball interval, even if the period ends prior to the next down, or the penalty is accepted for a foul which occurred during the down.
It is illegal participation for a replaced player to leave the field during a down.
It is illegal substitution if a replaced player unsuccessfully attempts to leave the field prior to the snap, whether or not he affects the play.
If substitute B32 enters the field during a down, but does not influence the play, it is a nonplayer foul.
Illegal participation is enforced as a live-ball foul.
If a player is blocked out of bounds, he may come back inbounds and legally participate.
It is not a foul if potential punter K27 accidentally steps on the end line following the snap but is inbounds when he catches the high snap and then punts the ball.
If end A1 voluntarily goes out of bounds and immediately returns during the down, it is illegal participation.
If B44 steps on the sideline while covering receiver A86, it is a foul if B44 returns and intercepts the forward pass.
It is a foul if A84 accidentally steps out of bounds after B21 intercepts and A84 then returns to make the tackle.
If a player is blocked out of bounds by an opponent and returns inbounds during the down, he shall return at the first opportunity.
If R28 accidentally goes out of bounds during a scrimmage kick and then returns and catches the punt, it is a foul for illegal participation.
During the down, it is illegal participation if any player intentionally goes out of bounds and does not return inbounds.
If A88 voluntarily goes out-of-bounds and returns to block A41, it is illegal participation, a foul during the down and the “all-but-one” enforcement principle is used.
No player shall intentionally go out of bounds during a down and intentionally touch the ball.
If a substitute or replaced player influences the play, it is illegal participation.
If a team member who is entering to fill a player vacancy is on the opponent’s side of the neutral zone at the snap, it is illegal participation if he touches the ball.
Illegal participation may be enforced as a nonplayer foul.
If a 12th player is in the defensive formation at the snap, the foul is illegal participation and is enforced from the succeeding spot.
It is illegal participation if a player is lying on the ground to deceive the opponents at or immediately before the snap or free kick.
The re-entry of a disqualified player is illegal participation.