ch7 Flashcards
A period may be shortened in an emergency by agreement of the opposing captains and the referee.
When the period ends during a free kick down and the penalty for a foul by Team K is accepted, the period is not over.
The period must be extended if during a down in which time expires, the penalty for any live ball foul enforced as a live ball foul is accepted,
The period must be extended if during a down in which time expires, Team B commits an unsportsmanlike foul and the penalty is accepted.
If during a down in which time expires, A71 holds and A22 scores a touchdown, the period is automatically ended and the score is canceled.
If during a down in which time expires, A81 commits pass interference, the period is not extended whether the penalty is accepted or declined.
if the penalty is accepted for pass interference by A83 on a fourth down play which is also a down in which time expires, it will be Team B’s ball for an untimed down.
If during a down in which time expires, K23 commits kick-catching interference and Team R accepts an awarded fair catch the period shall be extended.
If the penalty is enforced for a foul which occurred during the last timed down of a period, but time expires before the next down, Team A is entitled to an untimed down.
If a double foul occurs during a down in which time expires, the period is ended.
The clock always runs while the ball is live.
The clock is running between downs when A61 false starts. After the penalty is enforced, the clock is started, but the period ends before the snap. The period must be extended.
If A1 intentionally grounds a forward pass on the last play of the first quarter and time expires during the down, the period is extended.
The period shall be extended if, during a down in which time expires, B1 commits an unsportsmanlike foul and the penalty is accepted.
A period shall not be extended by an untimed down if, during a down in which time expires, a foul occurs for which enforcement, by rule, results in a safety.
If any foul by either team occurs after the last timed down of either half, it is penalized from the succeeding spot on the kickoff or overtime.
A clock stopped during a period for an official’s timeout will start with the ready-for-play signal unless a free kick allows.
The clock does not start during a free kick at the time of first touching by Team K.
If a free kick is repeated, the clock starts on the ready-for-play signal if it had been started on the original kick.
When A7’s forward pass is complete and B44 commits pass interference, the clock starts with the snap after the enforcement.
If stopped, the clock will start with the ready- for-play signal for other than a free kick when the action which caused the down to end did not also cause the clock to the be stopped.
After the ball has been out of bounds, the clock always starts with the ready-for-play.
The game clock will start on the ready after a running play out of bounds for a new first down during the last two minutes of either half.
If K88 commits kick-catch interference and Team R chooses an awarded fair catch, the clock will be started with the snap for when the free kick is touched, other than first touching by Team K.
The clock will start on the snap for a scrimmage down following a fair catch.
If A6 intentionally grounds a forward pass in an effort to save loss of yardage, after enforcement, the referee shall start the clock with the ready-for-play signal.
The clock will always start with the ready-for-play following a television timeout.
The clock starts on the snap following the enforcement of a delay-of-game penalty.
If B22 intercepts a pass, then fumbles during the return and A77 recovers the ball inbounds, the clock will start on the snap.
If A8 intentionally grounds a pass in an effort to conserve time, the official shall after penalty enforcement, start the clock with the ready-for-play signal.
The referee may correct an obvious timing error after a period has ended, if discovery is prior to the second live ball following the error.
Unused first half time outs may be used in the second half.
Unused second half time outs may be used in overtime.
The head coach or any player may request a timeout.
The head coach may come onto the filed and request the nearest official to grant a time-out.
No more than 11 players and one coach may participate in any one conference.
During a timeout, players may only use headsets if the conference is at the sideline.
There is no limit on the number of coaches who may take part in a conference between the hash marks.
During a coach-referee conference, a regular player-coach conference may be held both teams since the time out at that point is charged to the team requesting the conference.
Charged team timeouts shall be reduced in length if both teams are ready to play before the ready-for-play signal.
Successive timeouts may not be granted to either team during the same dead-ball period.
The referee may call an official’s timeout to all K14 to put on his kicking shoe or put on a different numbered jersey.
As a result of a coach-referee conference that follows a running play that ends inbounds, if the referee is in error, the clock will start with the ready-for-play signal.
Regular authorized conference privileges are allowed during the one minute intermission following a field goal safety or try and prior to the succeeding kickoff.
An authorized conference is permitted during the intermission between periods.
When the ball becomes dead following a fourth down play, the clock must always be stopped.
After the ball becomes dead and it appears that the ball has reached the line-to-gain, the covering official shall stop the clock.
Unless the clock is already stopped, an official’s timeout shall be taken as soon as the ball becomes dead following a change of possession.
If an official calls a timeout for an apparently injured player and after examination it is determined the player is not injured, the player need not leave the game.
If an official stops the clock for a bleeding player and his team thereafter requests a timeout, the player my remain in the game.
During an official’s time-out for injury, players of either team may not go near the sideline to communicate with their coaches.
A player who is briefly knocked unconscious must have a note from an appropriate health care provider to return to the game.
If a player’s helmet comes off without a foul occurring on the last play of the first period, that player may participate in the first play of the second period.
The coach-referee conference will be held at the sideline in the field of play in front of the coaches’ team box.
A coach-referee conference may result in a penalty for a delay-of-game foul.
Failure to properly wear required equipment when the snap is imminent is a delay of game foul.