Chapter 1 Flashcards
The medium through which a
message passes from sender to receiver.
ex: face-to-face media, phones, other screens
cognitive complexity
The ability to understand issues from a variety of perspectives.
The process of creating meaning through symbolic interaction.
communication competence
achieving one’s goals with communication and maintain healthy relationships
To attach meaning to a message.
dyadic communication
To put thoughts into symbols, most commonly words
A receiver’s response to a
sender’s message.
Both the physical setting in which communication occurs and the personal perspectives of the parties involved.
intrapersonal communication
Communication that occurs within a single person.
(ex: talking to yourself)
linear communication model
one-way event in which a message flows from sender to receiver
mass communication
The transmission of messages to large, usually widespread audiences via TV, Internet,
movies, magazines, and other forms of mass media.
Communication mechanisms such as phones and computers used to convey messages between people.
A sender’s planned and unplanned words and nonverbal behaviors
organizational communication
Interaction among members of a relatively large, permanent structure (such
as a non-profit agency or business) in
order to pursue shared goals.
External, physiological, and
psychological distractions that interfere with the accurate transmission and reception of a message
public communication
Communication that occurs when a group is too large for everyone to contribute. It is
characterized by an unequal amount of speaking and by limited verbal feedback
(ex: giving a presentation)
Paying close attention to one’s own behavior and using these observations to make
effective choices.
The originator of a message.
small-group communication
Communication within a group of a size such that every member can participate actively with the other members
An arbitrary sign used to represent a thing, person, idea, or event in ways that make communication possible.
transactional communication model
A characterization of communication as the simultaneous sending and receiving of messages in an ongoing process that involves feedback and includes unintentional (often ambiguous) messages.